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Listen `Ear newsletter - Edition 10

Tell-tale signs of sick ears


Otitis Media is the name that doctors use for middle ear infections and it’s generally associated with a build-up of fluid in the middle ear.

It is most common in babies and young children.

An older child may complain of an ear ache but what about young ones?

Signs and symptoms of Otitis Media include:

  • Irritability
  • Tugging on the ear
  • Fever
  • Not eating or drinking (as pictured)
  • Pain - babies might cry and be harder to settles
  • Colds, runny nose, coughs
  • Child may not be hearing properly

Prevention is best

The best way to prevent Otitis Media occurring in children is to get their ears checked by the doctor during regular child health checks. This is because Otitis Media can often have no symptoms.

Read more about Otitis Media here

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Tell us what you think

Ear health kit

We want your feedback!  We're interested in finding out who is listening, reading and using the resources we're producing for the Listen `Ear project.  

Have a go at our survey for a chance to win a $50 voucher!  The first twenty to respond will also receive an ear health bag containing information about Otitis Media and special story book (pictured).

Please forward this email to others who you think may be interested.

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Listen `Ear is funded under the National Indigenous Ear Health campaign, an Australian Government initiative.
