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Situation Report: Philippines Response

On Monday, November 18th, a Hope Force International (HFI) team departs for Tacloban, Philippines and surrounding communities.  The team will be comprised of several healthcare professionals, chaplains, logistical personnel and other support team members. 

Like so many around the world, our hearts have been heavy as we learn more on an hourly basis about the suffering of survivors in the aftermath of Typhoon Hayian.  Thank you for praying for these people who are in great need -- and for those intervening with compassionate help as they bring hope in Jesus’ name. 

HFI’s partner on location is Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM).  The Nazarene movement has a substantial presence in this part of the Philippines.  “Every disaster is local” is a principle that is often quoted by disaster agencies – and this is true regardless of the magnitude.  When the disaster event exceeds what the local resources can handle, outside help is requested.  HFI is honored to be working in collaboration with NCM -- a local entity. 

Our partner’s assessments identified a need for medical, psychological, emotional and spiritual care as priority number one -- followed by logistical and skilled construction personnel.   Our focus includes the establishment of a “beach-head” for future teams, and to provide ongoing emergency medical and emotional/spiritual intervention.  Members of the team will also conduct assessments to determine possible recovery/rebuilding projects for the future.

Additional teams will be departing November 23 and December 3, with the possibility of more to follow. 

Your donation will help us mount a strong response to the great need represented in the nation of the Philippines.  Thank you!

Support Hope Force's Efforts in the Philippines