See you at Bio-IT World Expo!
In January, Avadis NGS was nominated for a Best Practice Award presented by Bio-IT World. At the end of April, we will be in Boston to attend the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo
and give a seminar (hosted by Illumina) on unique MiSeq data alignment and analysis capabilities in Avadis NGS. Hopefully, while we are there, we'll also receive the award for best bioinformatics software product for next-generation sequencing data analysis. Our fingers are crossed! If you will be at Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, or happen to be in Boston, please let us know by email or Twitter because we would love to connect with you in person.
Upcoming Webinar
Find Significant SNPs in your Samples
In this month's webinar, we will show you how to use the Find Significant SNPs
analysis workflow. SNP verification and prioritization is one of the most time consuming tasks in variant analysis. The workflows and algorithms in Avadis NGS 1.3 make end-to-end SNP analysis easy, intuitive, and accurate. These workflows can be used for quickly identifying population-specific variants, somatic mutations, and tumor-specific markers with the aid of a user-friendly GUI. Register now!
Recent Blog Posts
Mutations Causing CHIME Disease
by Ramesh Hariharan, CTO
"We read a publication from Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute that used Avadis NGS. The goal in this paper is to find the underlying genomic cause of CHIME syndrome, a disease so rare that there are only 8 reported cases in the world. CHIME is an abbreviation derived from the main symptoms..." Read more |
RNA-Seq Analysis of Functional Compartments in the Rat Placentation Site
by Ramesh Hariharan, CTO
"We read a recent publication by Shankar et al that uses Avadis NGS to analyze RNA-Seq data. They study cells involved in rat placenta formation. The rat placentation site is apparently made up of 3 very distinct functional areas. The goal of this study is to understand gene expression profiles in each of these 3 areas..." Read more |
Get Avadis NGS!
If you have unaligned data in FASTA or FASTQ files, or if you have aligned data in SAM or BAM files, you are a perfect candidate for Avadis NGS 1.3. To schedule a demo for your organization, send us an email that describes your experiments and desired research endpoints.
If you are interested in buying Avadis NGS for your lab, please contact sales for plans and pricing.
- The Avadis NGS Team