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Barwon South-West Ag news
Thursday 18 June, 2020
In this edition:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
staying safe keeps us together

The Victorian Government is gradually easing restrictions currently in place to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

In all activities, farmers are asked to be considered. Be cautious.

Use your common sense. And if you don’t have to do it – don’t.

Stay safe by maintaining good hygiene, keeping your distance from others and if you feel unwell stay home.

If you have symptoms of coronavirus you should get tested.

The situation continues to change rapidly so please regularly check the Department of Health and Human Services website for the latest update:

More information is also available on the Agriculture Victoria website.

Latest news
Feeding roughage in winter is essential
Feeding roughage in winter is essential

Dr Jeff Cave
District Veterinary Officer
Agriculture Victoria

When there is new pasture growth and you are providing various supplementary feeds, you may ask – why feed roughage?

Roughage is the bulky feed such as hay, that is generally considered to be high in fibre and lower in energy.

Livestock may require roughage during winter for the following reasons:

  • even though some roughage may be left uneaten, livestock require a minimum amount of fibre and long roughage to maintain their digestive systems. This is sometimes known as the ‘scratch factor’ and stimulates rumination (cud chewing)
  • when moving livestock onto green pasture, their rumen needs time to adjust to a new feed type
  • newly growing pasture may not have adequate fibre levels
  • it may be better to supplement stock to allow time for the pasture to establish and develop
  • hungry livestock need to be prevented from gorging themselves on pastures that may have potential to cause nitrate poisoning or bloat
  • if feeding grain or pellets with too little roughage, acidosis (grain poisoning) can occur
  • as we move further into winter, hay may be needed to reduce the risk of grass tetany and allows a way of administering magnesium oxide (Causmag)

Another good reason to feed livestock roughage in cold weather, is that roughage in the diet helps keep livestock warm.

This is because the fermentation and breakdown of cellulose creates heat energy.

If livestock do not have enough roughage, they will utilise their body fat to create energy for warmth.

Therefore it is more effective to feed your livestock late in the afternoon, as this will provide ‘heat’ throughout the night.

Agriculture Victoria's drought feeding books for sheep and cattle contain information on cow and sheep requirements as well as a guide to conducting and interpreting feed tests (Chapter 5 in the cattle book and Chapter 3 in the sheep book).

The books are available from the Feeding Livestock website or by ringing the Customer Service Centre on 136 186, who can also refer you to a livestock or animal health officer.

Mallee podcasts share livestock and paddock tips
Listen up! Grazing cereal crops podcast now available.

Agriculture Victoria has produced a new podcast series focussing on livestock and land management in the Mallee.

The new podcasts, hosted on the Mallee Sustainable Farming website, provide timely information for Mallee farmers through the winter months.

Ready to download tomorrow night (Friday, 19 June) ‘Grazing Cereals with Daniel Schuppan’ talks through the potential for establishing groundcover to fill an early feed gap.

A livestock consultant with Nutrien Ag Solutions, Daniel has worked with producers from low rainfall pastoral environments for the past 15 years.

“The last three years have been particularly testing times and the majority of my time has been taken up preparing feed budgets for producers who had to confine their stock for, in some cases, six to eight months or more,” he said.

Throughout the 15-minute podcast, Daniel talks through the importance of having a written strategic plan that has flexibility to allow producers to “weave their way” through the seasonal variations.

“I know most of you will have it in your head, but I do encourage you to have a written plan and to make it available to everybody in the business. That way everyone has direction and knows which way they’re headed going forward.”

Next week, Agriculture Victoria Land Management Development Officer Rebecca Mitchell will be discussing how Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) can directly benefit Mallee farmers and share some innovative examples of how it has been adopted.

Also in production and ready to be released weekly throughout the coming winter months, will be:

  • Feed testing – with Agriculture Victoria Livestock Extension Officer Erica Schelfhorst
  • Marketing cattle – with Agriculture Victoria Livestock Extension Officer Greg Ferrier
  • Weaning livestock – with Agriculture Victoria Lamb Industry Development Officer Nick Linden
  • Cutting crops for hay – with Agriculture Victoria Grains Regional Manager Tony Fay
  • Risky Weeds – with District Veterinary Officer Jeff Cave

The podcasts are delivered by Agriculture Victoria with funding from the Victorian Government’s 2019-20 Drought Support Package and can be downloaded here

For more information about other drought and dry seasonal conditions support from Agriculture Victoria go to or call 136 186.

Reducing lameness in dairy cattle - managing in wet conditions
dairy cows walking along laneway

By Ash Michael, Dairy Extension Officer

Do you find that your dairy cows have a higher incidence of lameness on your farm than you would like? By taking a strategic look at your individual farm situation you can identify areas for improvement and help to reduce the incidence of lameness in your dairy herd.  You should aim to have no more than five per cent of the herd lame per month.

Farmers are using prevention, early detection and treatment of lameness to achieve better outcomes in cow comfort, improved milk production, and better reproductive performance of their dairy herd. Lameness in dairy cows in Australia can be caused by a range of environmental, nutritional and infectious factors.

Farm conditions can result in damage to cow’s hooves, including stone bruises and thin soles. Important things to consider to minimise the incidence of lameness in dairy cows are good laneways, reducing time spent on concrete and reducing pressure on cows during movement.

Managing wet conditions

Most farmers find that extremely wet conditions result in a lot more cows becoming lame.

Prolonged exposure to moisture causes the hoof to soften, making bruising, penetration injuries and white-line disease more common. The skin between the claws and around the foot also softens and macerates, leaving the skin more prone to infections such as footrot.

The higher bacterial loads present in wet muddy environments add to the problem.  Larger stones and sharp gravel are also exposed after the fine topping materials are washed from track surfaces.

The cost of an individual case of lameness is estimated to be between $200 and $500.  If a herd outbreak occurs, the costs can increase across the herd.

Good laneways

A good laneway can be built by selecting a suitable foundation and with suitable surface materials, so it stands up to the constant cow traffic and damage by rain and excess water.

Select a material for the surface layer that won’t damage the cow’s hooves, but which will also repel and run water off the laneway, helping to keep it dryer and last longer.  The surface layer needs to be crowned to assist with water runoff.

Good drainage for your laneway is also very important. It needs to collect water runoff and divert it correctly to increase the life of your laneway. The drain should be fenced off so cattle can’t walk in it and pug it up, which will reduce its effectiveness.

Farmers find that regular maintenance to the laneway surface is best as it helps increase its life and avoid costly repairs to the foundation layer.

Reducing time on concrete

Most dairy farmers already follow the practice of minimising the time cows are spending on concrete, which helps to reduce stone bruises and the wearing away of the sole on the cow’s hooves. Any further reductions in time spent on concrete for cows will assist in reducing the lameness of dairy cattle.

Reducing pressure on cows during movement

When cows are allowed enough time to move slowly at their own pace, the cows can look and place their feet and avoid uneven surfaces or stones and thus avoid stone damage to their feet. This will in turn help reduce the incidence of lameness in the dairy herd.

Nutritional factors

Acidosis can result in lameness in dairy cattle.  Acidosis can cause laminitis, paint brush haemorrhages and white line disease, reducing the cow’s ability to walk freely.

To help reduce the incidence of acidosis ensure cows are receiving adequate effective fibre, and a precise allocation of grain.

A well-balanced diet for the dairy cow will include adequate fibre, which helps to buffer the rumen pH. Rumen buffers and/or modifiers may also be required depending on the level of grain feeding to reduce the rumen pH and reduce the incidence of acidosis in the dairy herd.

Infection factors

Your cows can have infections on their hooves, including footrot and hairy heel warts. The use of footbaths and reducing mud in high traffic areas can help reduce the incidence of lameness in some cases. It’s also important to consult with your veterinarian to develop a strategy for your farm.

Benefits of reduced lameness

Reducing lameness on your farm will assist to improve profitability. Lame cows will usually produce less milk and be culled sooner from the herd. Lameness will also result in additional costs of veterinary treatment. Most cases of lameness are foot associated and the rear feet are more commonly affected than the front.

Lameness in individual cows can have an impact on their reproductive performance, depending on the timing of the lameness episode relative to the mating period. The higher the incidence of lameness in the herd, the greater the potential impact this condition will have on the herd’s overall reproductive performance.

type of lameness table

TABLE: InCalf research identified these reproductive impacts through lameness.

So, if your cows have a higher incidence of lameness on your farm than you’d like and you would like assistance to reduce lameness, more information is available on the Dairy Australia website at – simply enter one of the topics mentioned above in the search bar.

Resuming services for our farming community

Agriculture Victoria will resume several key services in the coming weeks, which have been suspended in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, as restrictions gradually ease across the state.

Chief Executive Emily Phillips said that Agriculture Victoria had continued to work closely with the agriculture sector and farming communities during restrictions to support them during the difficult time, including redesigning many services to be delivered online.

“We’ve continued to deliver many of our services during coronavirus, ensuring the safety of farmers while prioritising support for this important sector,” Dr Phillips said.

“This included ongoing services to support farmers impacted by bushfire across the North East and East Gippsland, and farmers who continue to be impacted by drought and dry seasonal conditions across the state.”

Operations at Agriculture Victoria’s Pig Services Centre, based at Epsom, resumed earlier this week, including providing and accepting all orders for pig vaccine manufacturing and diagnostic services.

Designated fox and wild dog bounty collection centres will open from 29 June, operating in line with physical distancing requirements including established drop off and exclusion zones.

During the suspension period, bounty participants were encouraged to continue to collect fox scalps and wild dog body parts on private properties as part of pest control activities, and to freeze or air dry them.

Hunters are encouraged to refresh their knowledge of the terms and conditions of the bounty to ensure what they submit is acceptable.

Participants can submit entire fox scalps for a $10 reward and entire wild dog body parts for a $120 reward during scheduled collection times.

With the gradual easing of restrictions, Victorians are still being asked to be considered and use common sense when it comes their activities.

Stay safe by practising good hygiene, keeping your distance from others and, if you feel unwell, stay home.

The coronavirus situation continues to change rapidly so please regularly check the Department of Health and Human Services website for the latest update:

For further information on the bounty including collection schedule, terms and conditions of the bounty, visit or call the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

New Mallee trial investigates the relationship between Nitrogen and Soil Carbon

A new research project, being undertaken by Birchip Cropping Group (BCG), is investigating ways to improve crop biomass production and yield on the poor performing sandy soils common across the Mallee.

The project, supported by the Mallee CMA, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare program, is investigating the relationship between increased biomass production through targeted nitrogen (N) applications and whether these practices can improve soil carbon levels under local conditions, and if so, the degree to which this can be achieved.

The project is being run in parallel with a secondary project with support from the Wimmera CMA which is investigating the impacts of a variety of soil amelioration techniques including deep ripping, claying and manure spreading on crop biomass and yield.

“Every farm has patches that for some reason, year after year, fail to perform as well as the rest of the paddock.

BCG research agronomist Kate Maddern said even with adequate nutrition, disease and weed control crops grown in these patches often did not produce as much biomass during the season, which could carry through to lower yields and/or poor quality at harvest.

Poor performing patches can be due to underlying soil constraints, such as differences in water-holding capacity, a compaction layer, a difference in soil type, or other issues such as sodicity, nutrient deficiencies, salinity or acidity/alkalinity and nitrogen deficiency.

Research also suggests that depleted levels of soil organic carbon can also be a contributing factor in crop performance.

“Soil organic carbon is an important contributor to the chemical, physical and biological fertility of soils. Increasing soil organic carbon can help to increase nutrient availability, help to improve soil structure and water-holding capacity and stimulate the growth of beneficial soil micro-organisms” Ms Maddern said.

“However, when lower plant production is combined with consistent organic matter removal, through hay cuts, stubble burning or harvesting, soil organic matter and soil organic carbon, the little bits of plant matter in the soil and the carbon derived from that plant matter, can be depleted."

For more about the applicable learnings, go here.

Controlling gorse - Sutton Grange
Need help controlling gorse?
Controlling gorse - Pipers Creek
Need help controlling gorse?
MLA’s five-year focus on impact and transformational change

Delivering transformational change for Australia’s red meat and livestock industry is the key theme throughout Meat & Livestock Australia’s Strategic Plan 2025, released recently by the red meat marketing and research body.

It charts the direction of Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) investments for the next five years and was developed following significant consultation using a design-led approach with representatives from across the red meat supply chain.

With a focus on delivering ‘fewer, bigger and bolder’ programs of work, the plan shows where MLA will focus its efforts to ensure red meat producers will see a positive return on their levy investment.

Building on strong industry fundamentals, the plan focuses on helping producers (and their supply chains) make better decisions informed by data, driving efficiencies in the delivery of MLA’s core services, and identifying new ways to capture value and increase profitability through new revenue streams and developing high value products.

MLA Managing Director, Jason Strong, said that while MLA’s strategy capitalises on the many existing opportunities for Australian red meat, it also looks to tackle new challenges in a constantly evolving operating environment.

“Australia’s red meat and livestock industry is in good shape as we embark on this next critical future phase for our industry,” Mr Strong said. 

“Our products have a reputation for being the best in world. We are trusted by consumers – who are more interested than ever about how their food is produced – because of the positive way we treat and trace our livestock.”

As a key focus to successfully deliver the strategy, MLA will increase investment in:
1. Adoption and extension: MLA’s strategy sees a significant increase in the funds allocated to adoption and extension activities. MLA programs will have clear adoption and extension pathways helping to ensure that red meat producers can successfully implement practical R&D solutions for their farm businesses.
2. Programs that support red meat industry integrity systems: MLA’s Strategic Plan 2025 highlights the importance of strengthening existing systems in support of biosecurity, food safety and traceability. It also highlights the importance of activities that accelerate data capture, end to end supply chain verification and knowledge transfer within the supply chain to support business decision making.

The plan also sees a focus on ensuring MLA investments contribute to a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable Australian red meat industry.

MLA will increasingly focus on programs of work that help producers be more productive while adapting to climate variability, delivering world-leading animal health and welfare outcomes and adopting Carbon Neutral 2030 (CN30) pathways, demonstrated through on farm practice change to deliver a global competitive advantage.

“From a global marketing perspective, Australia’s red meat industry has a fantastic story to share,” Mr Strong said.

“MLA’s Strategic Plan 2025 is clear in its ambition as we continue to drive demand for red meat, with activities informed by data, evidence and insights.

“For MLA’s research and development work, we will continue to push our industry forward by building on-farm productivity through improved adoption of research outcomes. We must build more sophisticated and efficient supply chains, with a shared commitment from all of industry.

“This Strategic Plan highlights MLA’s contribution to the red meat industry’s long-term vision to double the value of red meat sales by 2030 and for Australia to be the trusted source of the highest quality protein, as laid out in Red Meat 2030.

"It will also play an important role in taking Australian agriculture to a $100 billion industry by 2030.

“Our ambition was to build a plan that ensures MLA can capitalise on those areas where we already have a competitive advantage but also asking some tough questions about what we can do better for producers and how we can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities.”

The development of MLA’s Strategic Plan 2025 started by first identifying key high impact initiatives that have already played a major role in transforming industry and using them as the foundation for which to build the plan.

“The establishment of Australia’s on farm assurance, animal identification and traceability systems are a good example,” Mr Strong said.

“Thanks to the development and continuous improvement of these systems, we have been able to guarantee the integrity of our $28.5 billion red meat industry to our customers.

"As part of our strategic planning we were able to be creative in thinking how we can further build and enhance these programs to build a more prosperous industry.

“Another example is Meat Standards Australia (MSA), the world’s leading eating quality grading program for beef, and the work to support access to international markets, which has been critical to the growth and competitiveness of our industry.

“What these examples show us is to have real impact, we need to be focused, ambitious with our expectations and demand greater impact from the investments we make.

"However, success will ultimately be measured by the ability of red meat producers to create and capture additional value from these investments.

“For MLA, we will continue to target major strategic challenges to ensure that higher risk but higher reward investments are not being overlooked.

“To be successful, it was important that this strategy focused not just on what we will do, but how we will do it. We developed guiding principles that will ensure MLA is well placed to deliver transformational change and maximise our impact.”

MLA’s Strategic Plan 2025 will undergo a constant cycle of review and inform MLA’s Annual Investment Plans (AIPs), which outline MLA’s programs and the activities, key performance indicators and budgets for each financial year.

Click here to view MLA’s Strategic Plan 2025.

Livestock biosecurity funds
livestock biosecurity

The Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program is now open for applications.

Apply now for support for projects or programs that prevent, monitor and control diseases in Victorian cattle, sheep, goat, swine or honeybee industries.

More information at

Young farmer business network
Young Farmer business network

Young Farmers of Victoria – this is your network to talk about farm business management with other like-minded young farmers through social media, articles, online and face to face forums.

Click here to join and learn more about the Young Farmer Business Network Facebook group.

PhD fellowships in the dairy industry – apply now

In partnership with The University of Melbourne, Agriculture Victoria is offering 17 PhD research fellowships in the dairy industry.

Based at our world-renowned research centres at Ellinbank and Hamilton, successful applicants will be rewarded with a $33,000 per annum scholarship, access to state-of-the-art facilities and opportunities for professional development and overseas travel.

To find out more visit

Managing dry conditions
access up to $5000 for on-farm drought infrastrcuture to improve mobile phone connectivity, weed control or soil moisture probes.
On-Farm Drought Resilience Grants program expanded

The maximum value of the On-Farm Drought Resilience Grants has increased from $5000 to $10,000 to boost farmers’ access to professional services while still enabling farmers to invest in drought preparedness infrastructure.

Eligible farm businesses can now apply for:

  • up to $5000 for business decision making activities (with no-contribution required)
  • up to $5000 for infrastructure investments (with at least 50 per cent co-contribution required)

There are three new eligible infrastructure investments under the resilience grants:

  • technologies to improve mobile phone connectivity
  • weed control (e.g., purchase of registered herbicide)
  • soil moisture probes (as an explicit investment under soil moisture monitoring activities)

For more information and to access the On-Farm Drought Resilience Grants program, call Rural Finance on 1800 260 425 or visit

Farmers are encouraged to apply early to ensure they do not miss out on funding.

Support for Victorian farmers

Agriculture Victoria remains available to assist Victorian farmers. We want to reassure farmers, particularly those impacted by bushfires and drought, that we will continue to provide support services to you and your farming business. However, the way we are doing this during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has changed.

What are we doing differently?

We are moving from our usual face-to-face client contact to other alternatives. This means we might call you on the phone, send you information via post or email, invite you to a video or teleconference, or even a webinar.

Our technical support remains available to help landholders affected by fires and drought in East and Central Gippsland, North East, Millewa and the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District. 

Farmers can call us to access information tailored specifically to their needs on a range of topics including:

  • feed planning and pasture recovery
  • supplying feed and water to livestock
  • land and farm water management
  • general technical information
  • other assistance available and grants programs

Farmers affected by drought and bushfire

For support in bushfire-affected areas contact our Agriculture

Recovery Managers:

  • Gippsland – Keren Walker on (03) 5159 5118
  • North East – Kylie Macreadie on 0428 975 728

For support in drought-affected areas contact our Dry Seasonal Conditions Coordinators:

  • Millewa – Sue McConnell on 0418 572 087
  • Northern – Mick Bretherton on 0428 346 209
  • East and Central Gippsland – Nick Dudley on 0428 562 139

Or email us at

Farmers can also continue to call our Customer Service Centre on 136 186 and access the website anytime at –

There are many other agencies providing assistance too – this includes the Rural Financial Counselling Service:

  • in Gippsland call 1300 834 775
  • in the North East call 1300 834 775

Rural Finance is administering many grants programs for drought and bushfire impacted farmers. Give them a call on 1800 260 425 or access online anytime at   

Dairy support

The Dedicated Dairy Support Program is available to dairy farmers in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District who are considering structural or significant changes to their business.

Decisions could include leaving the industry, scaling back (or up), family succession or transitions to other enterprises.

For more information go to, call 1300 834 775 or email

Bushfire Recovery Victoria is also a great service to connect you with recovery services and information from the whole of the Victorian Government. Call them on 1800 560 760 or visit at

are you a dairy farmer in the gmid?
Dry seasons hotline

Millewa and Carwarp district farmers can contact Agriculture Victoria on 1800 318 115 for dry seasonal conditions information and advice.

You may have questions about:

  • feed budgeting
  • stock containment areas
  • feed testing
  • livestock requirements
  • biosecurity
  • soil management

Our staff can also discuss other available support including grants.

CWA Drought Relief Program

The CWA of Victoria’s Drought Relief Program has been provided a funding boost by the Victorian Government for the provision of household financial relief.

A grant payment of up to $3000 per individual applicant and/or household is available for farming families, farm workers and contractors that are drought-affected and reliant on farming as their primary source of income.

This program is being funded through the Victorian Government’s Farmers’ Drought Fund - Household Financial Relief program.

To access an application form or to find out more go to or email

For anyone seeking a copy of the application form or requiring assistance to complete the application, please contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 or email the CWA on

Feeding livestock website
feeding livestock website

Did you know that the Agriculture Victoria’s Beef and Sheep Drought Feeding and Management online books have a new home?

They are housed and updated on the Feeding Livestock website and can be downloaded or viewed in whole or as individual chapters on any device.

Other key features of the website, include:

Upcoming webinars
Victorian winter seasonal outlook
rain gauge

Winter seasonal outlook webinars with Agriculture Victoria seasonal risk agronomist Dale Grey focussing on the seasonal climate outlook, as well as the oceanic, atmospheric and soil moisture conditions of particular relevant to Victoria.

23 June 12 - 1 pm

Register online.

Pig producer webinars
pig producer webinars



Date: – 2 pm, 23 June

  • Biosecurity Best Practice Protocols, Dr Chris Richards and Dr Bri Fredrich Apiam animal health


Date: - 2 pm, 30 June

To register follow the link:

Mulesing webinar
mulesing webinar

Are you ready for the new regulations for Mulesing starting 1 July?

Have you stopped or considering stopping Mulesing?

Join us for a free webinar with one of Australia's leading sheep consultants.

Dr John Webb Ware of the Mackinnon Project will take you through the new mulesing regulations being introduced from the 1st of July?

For those contemplating stopping mulesing; what you need to have in place before you stop and how do you manage an unmulesed flock.

WHAT: Mulesing 2020 and beyond: What is the future of breech strike control?

WHEN: Thursday, 25 June

TIME:      8 – 9 pm

WHERE:  Webinar

To register follow the link:

Pulse check discussion group - Pyramid Hill

DATE: Friday 26 June

TIME: 8 - 11 am

  • Growing pulses on acid soils
  • Pulse herbicide matrix

LOCATION: 285 Gladfield Road, Gladfield (14.8 km west of Pyramid Hill)

GUEST SPEAKER: Helen Burns, NSW DPI Wagga Wagga, local agronomists

Breakfast from 7.30 am.

The GRDC Southern Pulse Extension project, delivered by a consortium of organisations involved in the pulse industry across GRDC's Southern region, provides a collaborative opportunity to increase the knowledge of growers and advisers on sustainable pulse production, improving the Southern Region's capacity to maximise future growth and profitability.

Attendees do not need to have attended previous meetings or have any prior knowledge of pulse production.

The event is free and all are welcome.

For more information or to RSVP please contact Claire Pickles on 0429 922 780 or

Farm business resilience webinar series

Agriculture Victoria is delivering a series of webinars to improve farm business resilience. Farmers and farm business managers should register for the webinars to identify how to safeguard their core business operations when unexpected situations occur.

Register for each of the webinars below to attend or receive a link of the recorded event.

Webinar 3: Your Resources
Thursday 2 July, 1.30 pm

Webinar 4: Your Plan
Thursday 16 July, 1.30 pm

GRDC Farm Business Update - developing management and decision-making skills
Event Details

Date: 10 July
Time: 1 - 2 pm

Location: online.


Improving the effectiveness of management capabilities, can reduce the stress associated with making complicated decisions.

More details here.

Climate webinars
climate webinars
Climate change in Victoria - past, present and future

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is running this webinar to give an overview of the information from Victoria’s Climate Science Report 2019 and the local-scale Victorian Climate Projections 2019, as well as guidance on understanding and using the information.

Webinar 1: Climate change in Victoria – past, present and future
Date: 1 - 2 pm, Wednesday 24 June

  • Victoria’s climate has already changed
  • Future climate projections
  • Resources available – using the decision tree to find what you need
  • Victoria’s Climate Science Report 2019
  • Regional information: Victorian Climate Projections 2019 Regional reports, data tables
  • Communicating Climate Change
  • Planning for uncertainty
  • Lots of time for Q&A with the DELWP project team

Join via this link on the day: MS Teams Live Event

Victorian Climate Projections 2019 - findings and tips for interpreting

Webinar 2: Victorian Climate Projections 2019 – findings and tips for interpreting
Date: 1-2pm, Friday 26 June

  • What do the projections say for Victoria?
  • What are the benefits of local-scale climate data?
  • How to understand and work with the different sources of uncertainty in projections
  • Top tips to interpret the projections correctly
  • Lots of time for Q&A with DELWP and CSIRO scientists

Join via this link on the day: MS Teams Live Event

Managing climate variability webinar - MLA

Topic: Overview of the Managing Climate Variability R&D Program and Extreme Events Forecasting

Description: Doug McNicholl will provide an overview of the long-standing cross-sectoral MCV Program and introduce the Forewarned is Forearmed (FWFA) Rural R&D for Profit Project. His presentation will focus on the outputs, outcomes and impacts sought from the MCV and FWFA for individual producers and broader industry benefit.

Time: 1 pm, 25 June (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)


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Contacting Agriculture Victoria

Call 136 186 from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles and public telephones).

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or

All contact points can be found at:

Don't forget to check out Agriculture Victoria's social media sites for up-to-date information and news.



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