Refreshing the Funder-Researcher Working Group
The future direction for the Funder-Researcher Working Group (FRWG) was the main topic of discussion at the meeting held in July.
Set up in 2015, the FRWG was initially established as a forum to discuss the draft Research, Science and Innovation Domain Plan report. Since the release of the 2016 Domain Plan, its major focus has been on supporting the development of NZRIS, and it has played a key role in ensuring there is true co-development and design of the new system.
Approximately 20 people from across the research, science and innovation sector
attended the meeting, and it was a good opportunity to share thoughts and ideas on the best way forward for the group.
Rio Yonson of the NZRIS Programme team says with the new NZRIS Stewardship and Oversight Group now in place, it has been an ideal time to review the purpose of the FRWG and ensure it can continue to work effectively as NZRIS develops.
“We used the meeting to develop a common understanding of the future role of the group, engage members more fully in the development of operational guidance and input into NZRIS, and set a foundation for a refreshed FRWG,” she says.
The meeting comprised a series of workshops that generated valuable inputs from the participants, and helped to understand how the FRWG could work in
The NZRIS team is now working through the inputs generated at the meeting to draft a new terms of reference, which will be put forward for adoption at the next meeting scheduled for later this year.
Anyone from the RS&I sector who wants to know more, or to be part of future meetings, is welcome to attend. To find out more, get in touch with the NZRIS team at