Editor's note

South Africa is facing a serious economic crisis which has sent the economy into a technical recession. Matthew Kofi Ocran sets out why it would be well advised to turn to the International Monetary Fund for help.

The idea of a common currency for West Africa has been on the cards for a long time. Now a new deadline has been set. But even this one is unlikely to be met, argues Tahiru Azaaviele Liedong because the criteria for convergence are just too hard to meet.

Today marks the beginning of world breastfeeding week. The idea is to encourage breastfeeding by underscoring its importance to the health of babies. Giant strides have been made across Africa, but more still needs to be done to promote the benefits. Judith Kimiywe explains how more Kenyan women have been encouraged to breastfeed their babies by providing information at health facilities as well as follow up home-based counselling. And Chantell Witten explores why South Africa has achieved phenomenal success in getting more women to breastfeed yet the practice is still taboo in public places.

Julie Masiga


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Why the quest for a single currency for West Africa won't materialise soon

Tahiru Azaaviele Liedong, University of Bath

West African leaders have nursed the idea of a common currency for the sub-region since the turn of the century. But conditions for member countries to make this happen appear unattainable.

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