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TTPN Weekly Conference Call!

Sunday, March 22, 2015
4:00 PM EDT / 3:00 PM CDT

Call in number: (712) 432-0700 – Code: 637572#
Whew!  This week has been a busy week at the Florida Capitol.  You will want to be on this conference call in order to find out what has moved and what our plans are.

This is an open conference call and we encourage all of your members to join in.  The more on the call the better!

On our call this Sunday (the 22th), Paul Henry from Liberty First Network and Dr. Karen Effrem from the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition will be our guests.

Use the call-in number and the code (above) to get connected!

Catherine Baer, TTPN Chair
TTPN Steering Committee

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We have begun our yearly fundraiser for the Smith & Wesson SD 9mm.  We need people to buy tickets, to help sell tickets, and to find places we can put tickets for sale! (small businesses)  If you can help with this, please call John at 386-935-1705 or Sharon 386-935-0821.  We use these funds for all the expenses incurred by our tea party.  These include the American Patriot Newspaper printing every two weeks, buying pocket constitutions for the 7th grade Civics students in both Columbia and Suwannee counties, paying rent for the building when we meet each month, and the other expenses that we incur during the year.  PLEASE HELP US WITH THIS!

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Principles of Freedom

Are you concerned about what is happening to our country? Are you aware of the freedoms that you have lost? Are you uncomfortable with the unrestrained growth of our government? Does the growth of our national debt frighten you? Do you understand the root cause of the problems that have emerged? Our country's problems didn't begin this year, or with the current administration! The problems began more than 100 years ago when we began abandoning the foundational principles built into our Constitution!

"We hold these truths to be self evident. That all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain rights....". We have inalienable rights, but these rights are only available if we are diligent in fulfilling our individual responsibilities. We have failed to follow the founding Principles that made our country great and overlooked our duty to teach them to our children. It is not too late to change!

Get involved!  Attend your local county commission, school board and other civic meetings. Join a tea party or other like-minded group.  The North Central Florida Tea Party meets at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at the Jackie Taylor Building, 128 SW Birley Road.  This is approximately 3 miles west of the I-75 interchange, on the corner of U.S. 90 and Birley Road.  Please come out, meet some like-minded people and get involved!

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