Season's greetings from AFAO
Wishing you all a happy & safe festive season. To celebrate our year, we've put together not only this newsletter with some of our highlights, but a photo essay on the blog - check it out.
AFAO's Sydney office will be closed from 12.00pm Wednesday 24 December to 9.00am Monday 5 January. Emergency contact details here.
On behalf of the AFAO Board and staff, we wish you all the best for the festive season and thank you for your continued support. We look forward to working with you in 2015.
AFAO's G'day, Welcome to Australia Networking Zone in the Global Village at AIDS 2014 featured a map of Australia couch - a space for conference attendees to relax with their favourite HIV advocacy cushion. More photos here and check out the articles about the conference on our blog.
This year our HIV Media Guide went digital. The new website, www.hivmediaguide.org.au, was launched in time for AIDS 2014.
Our Bangkok team celebrating the end of the year. Check out this video for more info about their work in the Asia Pacific region.
Our discussion paper, 'Are young gay men really so different?' considered the evidence about HIV risk and effective health promotion for this group from diverse fields including research, laws and services.
The Time to Test campaign addressed emotional barriers to HIV testing for gay men and encouraged regular testing.
The Our Team campaign, which aims to support gay men's relationship agreements about sexual safety, launched a website.
Partnering with APCOM & APCASO, AFAO International supported 50 community advocates at AIDS 2014 and beyond. Check out the video.
The Gay Men's HIV Health Promotion Conference was a big focus in the early part of the year. Here's our team preparing the satchels.
Simon Yam (WA AIDS Council), one of the speakers at our National Forum in October, which brought members and stakeholders together to discuss next steps for the HIV response.
AIDS 2014 was a big focus for our African project work this year - here's our project officer with some local and international partners at the African Diaspora Networking Zone.
Find out more about our activities & those of our members in the Annual Report.
The Bottom Line campaign is all about HPV and anal cancer.
A new discussion paper provided info and analysis on rapid testing for gay men and other MSM.
We welcomed new staff to the International team - Chris Ward (L) and James Malar (R), pictured here with Vaness.
And we were sorry to say farewell to Dean Murphy, Pete Smith and Matt Tyne - thanks for everything guys.