Did you know that being overweight or obese carries certain risks to a person's health and wellbeing like musculo-skeletal problems, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, sleep apnoea, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes to name a few.
Most of these are often preventable though a healthy and active lifestyle.
If you're overweight, losing 10 percent of your body weight can improve your health significantly. But Maria Packard says you need to start out small.
"Don't set goals that a really non-achievable because you tend to lose courage," says the Heart Foundation nutrition manager.
"If you say you're going to lose 20 kilos that may not be realistic."
She says it may be more realistic to set goals like losing half a kilogram over a month or swapping regular milk to low-fat.
"So usually just taking small steps at a time, don't change everything at once," she said.
Where to get help
Heart Foundation
You're local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community health service may have a exercise or healthy tucker program you can access.