With heart attacks, "every minute counts" is the opening line of the Heart Foundation's Warning Signs DVD. View here.
For good reason too says Karen Ulhman from the Heart Foundation.
"Too many people lose their lives because they take too long to call triple zero," she says.
"We found people who had (heart attack) warning signs of dizziness or discomfort in their chest that only one in four would call an ambulance."
Karen says of those, half would wait and see.
"This has meant that in Australia, more than 50 percent of deaths occurr out of hospitals and 25 percent of people who have a heart attack die within the first hour of the first symptom," she told Stayin' Strong.
What's it to me?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are almost three times as likely to have a major coronary event (such as a heart attack) then non-Indigenous Australians.
Don't wait
Getting to the hopsital is essential because early treatment can prevent further damage to the heart muscle and increase your chances of survival.
Call 000* for an ambulance, don't drive yourself or get someone to drive you to the hospital. Ambulance paramedics are trained to use lifesaving equipment and begin treatment for a heart attack as soon as they reach you.
*If calling 000 does not work on your mobile, try 112
For more information
Visit the Heart Foundation's Heart Attack Facts website here.
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