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"Restoring Liberty for Future Generations" - KrisAnne Hall

Are you concerned about the things going on in our country, at the local, state and federal levels?  Have you wondered what you can do to help make changes so that future generations can enjoy the God-given liberties that our Constitution was written to guarantee?  KrisAnne Hall will be the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the North Central Florida Tea Party.  She will be speaking on “Restoring Liberty for Future Generations”.  She says that there is too much finger pointing going on today and finger pointing is for losers!  She will give us real practical solutions so that “WE THE PEOPLE” can work to restore liberty.  This will be a lesson for the pro-active activist.  She will give us things that we can do every day!   KrisAnne is a Constitutional Attorney who travels the country teaching groups of all ages about the roots of our liberty and many other lessons that we weren’t taught in public schools.  For more information about KrisAnne Hall, go to www.krisannehall.com

KrisAnne was interviewed on WJTK 96.5 Tuesday morning.  If you missed this interview, go to:

http://northfloridanow.com/krisanne-hall-seminar-thursday-dec-th-p9974-92.htm  to listen.  We thank WJTK for all the help they give us in getting the information about our meetings and events out to the public!  If you are on Facebook, be sure you have "liked" our page (North Central Florida Tea Party)  WJTK has started a facebook page.  Go to "North Florida Now" and "like" them.

We meet at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, December 12, 2013 at the Taylor Building, located at 128 SW Birley Ave in Lake City.  This is on the corner of U.S. 90 and Birley Avenue, three miles west of the I-75 interchange in Lake City.  For more information, call John 386-935-1705 or Sharon 386-935-0821.  Visit our website at www.northcentralfloridateaparty.org for more information about us.

Please try to make it to this meeting--this will be the motivation and encouragement we need to begin 2014!

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$500 VISA Card Raffle Drawing Thursday Night

WE WILL HOLD OUR RAFFLE DRAWING THURSDAY NIGHT!  If you have taken tickets to sell, please bring them with you on Thursday!  Why not give a "last minute" push to sell some tickets.  The money will go for a good cause!

 This is one of our fundraisers for the year to help defray our expenses.  We use part of our money to print and distribute the American Patriot News in the local areas.   You will be able to buy tickets at the meeting before we hold the drawing.  If you have sold some tickets and cannot make it to the meeting, please call John (386) 935-1705 or Sharon (386) 935-0821 to make arrangements for us to get the tickets.

We will have copies of the last few editions of the American Patriot News available at the meeting, information on the Second Amendment Preservation Act, petitions that can be signed for candidates, and other information/action items on the issues facing us on the local, state and federal level.  It is a great way to get caught up with things that are going on, meet some like-minded people, and get busy working to save this country.

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Rep. Ted Yoho to hold "Family Firearm Safety Event"

Please bring your family and kids for an educational event on gun safety, purchasing firearms, legal requirements and safety standards while encouraging responsible firearm ownership.  This will be held from 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 14, 2013 at the Taylor Building, 128 SW Birley Ave. in Lake City, Florida. Congressman Yoho said “This event will teach responsible and safe practices when dealing with firearms. The date was not chosen to coincide with the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook, and my thoughts and prayers go to the victims and families. Gun safety education and responsible gun ownership are important topics that should be taught throughout the year, and this event is an opportunity to help my constituents learn about these incredibly important practices.  On Saturday we will discuss gun safes and ensuring firearms in your home aren't easily accessible, proper firearm practices, and other safety standards. If these types of things are important to you, I would love for you join us at the Jackie Taylor Building in Lake City at 2:00 PM.”  The Taylor Building is located 3 miles west of the I-75 interchange on the corner of U.S. 90 and Birley Ave.   For more information, please call Congressman Yoho’s Gainesville office at (352) 505-0838.

(Congressman Yoho is taking some heat about this event being held on the anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Obviously his "opponents" are looking for anything to demonize him.  If you support what he is trying to do in Washington D.C. this would be a great opportunity to come out and show your support while learning about firearm ownership.)

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