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2014 International Pathfinder Camporee - Newsletter

September 2010

718 Registered Already!


As of today, 718 people have registered for the 2014 Forever Faithful International Pathfinder Camporee! Click here to see who has registered.

We're looking forward to having you join us, so visit our website and register for your tickets today!


New Daytime Director

New Daytime Director

The Center for Youth Evangelism welcomes Jose Bourget as the Daytime Programming Director for the 2014 Forever Faithful International Camporee.

Pastor Jose is the Assistant Director at the Center for Youth Evangelism, and is looking forward to serving at the 2014 International Camporee.

Please pray for God's guidance as Pastor Jose directs the 2014 Daytime Programming.

Contact Jose Bourget by email at PastorJose@andrews.edu, or by phone at 269-471-8355 (work) or 269-277-0722 (cell).


Daytime Activities Request


At the International Pathfinder Camporee, every day is packed with things to do. It's hard to ignore the opportunities to spend time with friends, earn honors, have fun & learn more about what it means to be a Pathfinder.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for our 2014 Forever Faithful daytime activities or honors, please contact Jose Bourget.

New Daytime Sponsor

New Daytime Sponsor

Adventist Risk Management (ARM) is the risk management service for the Seventh-day Adventist Church and sponsor of the Daytime Activities at the 2014 "Forever Faithful" International Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, WI. ARM believes safety is the number one priority at all Pathfinder activities. Keeping kids safe and proper planning of all club events throughout the year makes for a successful Pathfinder program!

To learn more about ARM and the risk prevention services they offer, visit their website. Keep watching this newsletter for more information on the travel accident insurance that will be available specifically for the "Forever Faithful" Camporee. ARM looks forward to seeing you in Oshkosh in 2014!