Welcome To The First Issue

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Yo ho my friends I have a tale, of treasure, plunder, sea and sail.

Thanks for checking out the first issue of the Atomic quarterly newsletter. We hope it’s informative, relevant and perhaps at least somewhat entertaining.


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Minimum Wage - Live action and animation comedy in development

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

If that pretty much sums up MIPCOM for you, “the world’s biggest entertainment market” running from October 7 to 10 in Cannes, then you’re not alone. Atomic partners Rob Davies, head of development and Rob Simmons, head of business affairs, share their (sometimes foggy) memories of past successes (and failures) and tips on getting the most out of the annual pitchathon. Curiously, food and La Chunga seem to play a major role in their adventures – foie gras anyone?

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Artist Spotlight - Toren Atkinson

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Toren Atkinson original comic art: Origin of Rhonsferatu

Every issue we’ll be showcasing the work of one of our many talented artists. This time around it’s Toren Atkinson, who’s been with Atomic for over two years, starting as a character illustrator for the Marvel Knights motion adventures, then designing props for Rocket Monkeys season one, and now he’s a storyboard artist for Rocket Monkeys season two.

To say that Toren’s artistic talents are varied is somewhat of an understatement. Working with Atomic is his first job in animation, and he got it because a fellow gamer who worked in animation knew the studio was looking for an illustration artist.

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An Insider's Guide to Jobs

Becky Bliss is responsible for much of the hiring at Atomic, which means she’s one busy lady!

Our newly minted Studio Talent Manager recently attended the Job Fair at Spark Animation 2013 in Vancouver and here shares some of her insights on what it takes to get a job in animation, and how to find the right crew.

As of press time, Becky is setting up a number of interviews with people she met at Spark, and has already made one hire!

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