Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement in 2017. As we move into 2018, I want to update you on the key areas of Unplanned Good.
Our work. 2017 was filled with key accomplishments, including speaking at CAFO, a major adoption conference, working with new partners, finding & sharing numerous new adoption resources, encouraging more people to advocate for adoption, leading our support group, and building awareness about open adoption.
Changes on our Board. Dana Clifford has informed me that she will step off the Board after serving for eight years. She was on the original Board of Unplanned Good when we incorporated, and we are so very grateful for her time, input,
energy, work and friendship over those eight years. Dana also served as our Treasurer, so we'll need to fill that role. This change leaves us with only two Board members, John Schwarz and myself. Any California corporation must have at least three Board members so, it's very important that we fill this Board seat. If anyone is interested in stepping into that role, please contact me asap.
Our financial health. You may know that I don't take a salary for my work with Unplanned Good. Neither does the Board. Our only paid staffer is our part-time social media marketing manager. Generally, our donations cover our expenses, but incoming donations don't allow for expanding our work.
Plans for 2018. We want to focus on
expanding our social media work, the effort that seems to be most effective in reaching people. We tripled our Twitter followers in 2017. We started on Instagram and already have 163 followers! We also attend adoption events to expand our network and productively leverage our connections across the country. And, we are always looking for more speaking opportunities at local schools or groups. There's much more we can do in the area of campaigns on Twitter, Facebook and Instragram as well as paid ad banners on strategic sites to reach our audiences.
We worked hard to spread the word about adoption in 2017 and, with your help, will continue to do so in 2018! To that end, please contact me if you are interested in serving on the Board and joining us
in promoting adoption this year!!