Exactly one year ago we received an appeal that we thought was possibly the cutest Clothing for Correspondence request ever. It went like this:

We are Amrit and Anjali*, an Indian couple in our mid 30s living in the city of Chicago with no kids, married 4 years, recently bought a place. We need something fun for our nondenominational Christmas card – we’d like to send season’s greetings to all our friends and family (including our cooler co-workers). This is the first time we are sending a Christmas card. We’d like it to be witty but PC.

As you can imagine, we were chuffed about being charged with the responsibility of someone’s first-ever Christmas card. We liked that they were taking their cooler colleagues into consideration (as one should) and we felt quietly confident we could strike the right balance of witty and politically correct.

But the pressure was on. We deliberated, penned and finally produced what we thought would make the ultimate inaugural season's greeting. We came up with this:

Christmas cards first came to America in 1875 but this year – 2011 – is the first time we’ve sent them. Sorry we took so long! We hope you and your family have a fabulous festive season, and have done every year since 1875.

We sent it off and received back…radio silence. We followed up with a polite ‘Did you get the message we sent you?’ Again…crickets.

We were a tiny bit mortified. Had we missed the mark so drastically that they couldn’t even bear to respond? Did we offend them by making fun of their virginal card-giving status?

We've told a few friends and mostly got the same response: blank face. Yet somehow we still laugh every time we read it. So the lesson we've taken from this is that you guys should write your own Christmas cards. We can however take care of your non-festive requests so do keep them coming over the summer.

There are some new scores and letters on the website so peruse at your leisure and we'll see you on the flipside. 

Love Jane and Penny 



*Names changed.

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