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In this edition...

Planning for Pelican and Blacksmiths - Preparing a Local Adaptation Plan

Update: Progress of the Volunteer Community Planning Group for Pelican and Blacksmiths - video, scoping map and Q&A with Coastal Experts

Implementing the Marks Point and Belmont South Local Adaptation Plan

Update: Council resolves to modify development controls for Marks Point and Belmont South


Update - Progress of the Volunteer Community Planning Group - Pelican and Blacksmiths Local Adaptation Plan

In late 2016 the community formed a smaller group to work with Council staff to produce a Local Adaptation Plan for Pelican and Blacksmiths. Find out who is on the working group.

At the first meeting, representatives and Council staff agreed on a schedule of activities the group should work towards completing.

The group has since met numerous times to better understand the hazards, hear from coastal experts and consider the scope of the plan, in doing so preparing a reference map. A sub-group of the working group is now working with Council staff to identify what public and private assets are affected by the different hazards and when. The working group will then draw on this information to filter and rank the list of "adaptation solutions" previously suggested by the community and Council throughout 2016. The working group will then report back to the wider community on the process they have been through and their preliminary findings.

Click image to enlarge


Update - Council adopts revised development controls for Marks Point and Belmont South

Council recently resolved to adopt the Marks Point and Belmont South Precinct Area Plan as part of the Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan (LMDCP) 2014. The new Precinct Area Plan is now in effect and is located in Part 12 of the DCP available on Council's website.

The purpose of the new Precinct Area Plan is to help implement the Marks Point and Belmont South Local Adaptation Plan. The Precinct Area Plan provides guidance that should be taken into account when preparing a Development Application. New and revised planning controls will:

  • provide greater flexibility in applying minimum floor levels for garages on small, narrow and constrained blocks and to ensure garages have practical driveway access;
  • encourage flood resilient and adaptable building design;
  • minimise the impacts of future inundation due to sea level rise;
  • ensure connections between new buildings and the surrounding areas are functional; and
  • ensure new development does not concentrate surface water flows onto adjoining properties.

The draft Precinct Area Plan was placed on public exhibition for six weeks from 3 December 2016 to 16 January 2017. Three submissions were received, all supporting the overall intent of the Plan, but suggesting changes to the wording. Changes were made following exhibition to make the Plan easier to understand. Refer to page 180 of the Council report for an outline of the changes made following exhibition.

For more information contact Hannah Benson at or phone Council on 4921 0333.

Council will continue to implement actions contained within Marks Point and Belmont South Local Adaptation Plan. New information and opportunities to have your say will be posted in this e-newsletter and on the project website.


Video - New flood modelling to help guide planning and adaptation

Flood modelling is a tool that Council, the community and other stakeholders can use to plan for low-lying places subject to flooding, ineffective drainage and sea level rise.

It can be used to simulate the benefits and impacts of different flood mitigation and adaptation options on the community and the environment, such as filling land, raising the floor levels of houses and designing drains differently.

In March 2017 community representatives from the former Marks Point and Belmont South Local Adaptation Plan working group and the current Pelican and Blacksmiths Local Adaptation Planning working group were invited to attend a presentation on flood modelling recently undertaken for Council.

The modelling is based on the Marks Point and Belmont South area and a copy of the presentation can now be viewed online. A copy of the 2D Stormwater Modelling Report is also available in the Have Your Say document libraries for Marks Point and Belmont South and Pelican and Blacksmiths project websites.

Council will use this modelling to help guide planning and local adaptation activities.


Get involved and have your say

Pelican and Blacksmiths Local Adaptation Planning

Marks Point and Belmont South Local Adaptation Plan