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NWT Tourism Coronavirus Update #18 - Update on "Emerging Wisely" plan and other updates

Dear valued members,

This week the Chief Public Health Officer in the NWT announced a phased program for emerging safely from Covid-19 health restrictions. Yesterday, as a follow-up, Harold Grinde (Chair), Ed Romanowski (Explorer Hotel) and I had an opportunity, along with a variety of other associations, to pose questions to Dr. Kandola about the phased reopening. At every opportunity we have advocated for our industry's reopening in a way that mitigates safety risks, and this call was no exception. We think at this point that it is best to share that there will be no movement on border closures for the summer, or for the foreseeable future. 

You can find the "Emerging Wisely" plan here: 

In the "Emerging Wisely" plan Dr. Kandola has indicated that tourism operators can, if they choose, use their experience for "staycations" (i.e. only for local residents). We recognize that for many tourism businesses this is not an option. For those where this may be an option, there is specific information in Appendix A of the Emerging Wisely document that outlines required risk mitigation for Covid-19:

There is also a specific resource for businesses that will reopen during the various emerging stages. This information can be found here: 

Compassionate and Exceptional Exemptions to the Public Health Orders
Last week at the Zoom meeting with the Minister of Industry, Tourism & Investment, Minister Nokleby suggested that some tourism businesses may be able to apply for exemptions in order to travel to the Northwest Territories to do lodge maintenance and other activities. Tourism business operators who wish to apply for an exemption can do so by contacting the Chief Public Health Officer's office by emailing to explore what is required to obtain an exemption from travel restrictions. These are case by case applications.

Funding Programs
We would like to include a recap of information on funding programs that can provide relief to tourism operators during the time that the borders are closed.

The GNWT resources can be found here:

The GNWT SEED Program Guideline for the Covid-19 Response can be found here:

The federal Government relief programs can be found here:

The CanNor Northern Business Relief Fund information can be found here. 

Other Advocacy Work
NWT Tourism continues to advocate on behalf of the tourism industry in the Northwest Territories. Securing relief funding continues to be a priority, and we continue to have regular meetings and do work with the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, Destination Canada, the NWT Chamber of Commerce and the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce, among other organizations. 

If you have missed any of our communications about what we are doing to advocate for the tourism industry in the NWT, I would like to refer you to the home page of the Members Website (no login required) where all communications are available:

Please don't hesitate to reach out directly to me.  I can be reached at 867-873-5007, Extension 1005 or by email at 

Take care.  Stay safe.   

Cathie Bolstad
Chief Executive Officer
Northwest Territories Tourism