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March 2012 E-Newsletter


Golf and Low Back Pain


Most golfers will experience some form of lower back pain over the course of time. The nature of the golf swing is inherently unhealthy for the human spine. Forward flexion (bending forward) combined with rotation (twisting) creates torsional stresses throughout the spine including the discs, the joints between each vertebra, the ligaments connecting the vertebra to each other and the surrounding musculature. Through proper awareness, coordination, warm-up and training, however, a number of factors can be influenced to give the best chance of keeping your lower back pain-free.

To keep the back as safe as possible, a couple of things have to come together.  One, you need to be able to find “neutral spine”.  Assume a standard “5- iron posture”.  Arch your lower back, then flatten your lower back (I tell patients/clients to “tuck their tail” if they had one, aka “pelvic tilt”) and then migrate back to a point about half way in between those two extremes. A recipe for lower back issues and an inefficient swing is to set up in one of two faulty address postures. The “S” posture has too much “sway” or arch in the lower back and the “C” posture has too much “slump” throughout the spine.


Click here to read more >

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Golf Specific Core Exercises :: Videos


For those interested in preventing injury and improving performance while on the course, we've created several video demonstrations of great exercises that will help strengthen and improve core muscle function.


Click here to visit our YouTube channel to check out those videos >


All exercises should be done at an intensity level comfortable for the individual performing them, and should be PAIN-FREE.

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Golf Season Is Approaching - Prepare Now!


Be sure you're ready for the upcoming golf season by having your body and golf swing biomechanics assessed. Our Golf Performance Program is tailored for all golfers of all skills and levels, and looks to help you clue into what your body's specific needs to avoid injury and maximize performance are.


Our program includes the following:

  • Golf-Specific Mobility and Stability Physical Screening
  • 3D Motion Analysis including kinematic sequencing using the K-Vest
  • Balance and pelvis to torso separation coordination
  • Biomechanical Swing Analysis
  • Video Swing Analysis using DartfishTM software
  • Customized, Web-based TPI exercise program to address specific physical limitations
  • Manual therapy and facilitated stretching to maximize mobility
  • Communication with your PGA golf instructor, physician and/or fitness professional


Our program offers a variety of different packages to help meet your individual needs.


For more information about our Golf Performance Program, click here >

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