Capital Funding Announcement
More detail was published on the £120 million capital investment to kickstart cultural infrastructure and heritage construction projects.
As part of this fund, Historic England will deliver the Heritage Stimulus Fund, with £50 million capital funding.
This will be spread across:
£34m in Programmes of Major Works, which will offer grants organisations who look after a range of nationally important heritage attractions. This funding will kick-start repair and conservation projects which may have stalled due to the restrictions caused by Covid-19.
£11m for their existing Covid-19 emergency Heritage At Risk Fund, which provides grants for urgent maintenance, repairs and surveys at some of England’s locally-cherished historic buildings and sites. This was previously very oversubscribed.
£5m to top up their Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk Fund, which will be granted to existing projects which are an urgent priority.
In addition, the National Lottery Memorial Fund will oversee the £15 million Heritage Capital Kickstart Fund to support up to 30 existing heritage capital projects that have secured funding from the National Lottery Memorial Fund, but are now at risk as a result of the pandemic.
Heritage Digital
Heritage Digital: Catch up on our webinar recordings and resources
We have been delighted with the reaction to our first two National Lottery Heritage Funded Heritage Digital webinars broadcast during July – thank you to everyone who took part in the live events.
Here is an overview of some of the key resources and webinars that are accessible for free through the project portal:
We have also started to publish case studies from our Heritage Digital Experts:
Interested in contributing? Share your success story as a Heritage Digital Expert
We would love to hear from anyone with experience, interesting case studies, or expert knowledge in the field. We are looking for experts from a variety of heritage organisations across the sector, and whether you have one success story, or have worked in the digital heritage sector throughout your career, we want to hear from you. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Carmen directly on heritagedigital@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
Coming up on Heritage Digital
Save the date! On Thursday 1st October we are planning to hold our first virtual conference around the theme of Digital Strategy, designed with small/medium heritage organisations in mind. With speakers, webinars and a chance for networking, this will be open to everyone, across the breadth of the sector. Put the date in your diary and look out for booking information next month.
Heritage Alliance COVID-19 Response
The Heritage Alliance continues to share the needs and asks of our members and the wider sector with policy-makers as we move out of lockdown. We also feed back guidance and support to our members through regular updates.
We continue to keep our COVID-19 Guidance Hub updated, while our COVID-19 Funding Hub provides details of new funding sources available to arts and heritage organisations.
Offers for Alliance Members
During the COVID-19 crisis, Heritage Alliance Members are able to access exclusive offers and expert support, guidance and resources:
To take advantage of any of these offers, or find out more, please contact the Heritage Alliance’s Development & Membership Manager Delphine at development@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
New Offer - Free Immersive Innovation Consultation for Alliance Members
Spatial experience experts and Heritage Alliance members, Arcade, fresh from their successful gallery offer that appealed to so many of our members, are now offering free Immersive Innovation Consultation. If you’re aware of immersive technology but need to gain a better understanding of what it is, what it’s for and, most important of all, what it can do for you, then please contact Delphine Jasmin-Belisle on development@theheritagealliance.org.uk to arrange a free one-hour session with Arcade.
Heritage, Health and Wellbeing Report Launch
We are delighted to announce that we will be launching our Heritage, Health and Wellbeing report on September 28th, 10-12, through a virtual event.
The report explores the positive impact heritage can have on individual and community wellbeing, analysing existing work and several case studies, to put forward recommendations.
At this event, we will discuss the recommendations in our report, and hear from a number of speakers from across the heritage sector about their experiences in integrating wellbeing into their work.
There will also be an opportunity for audience Q&A. This launch event represents the culmination of almost three years of work in the Alliance - it is not one to be missed!
Click here to book your place!
Welcome to our Newest Members!
The core team behind Five10Twelve has more than 40 years of combined experience spanning arts and culture, placemaking, publishing, legal, event production, broadcast and digital media and innovation, managing multi-million pound budgets for some of the biggest national and international arts, culture and media organisations. Our work and experience spans more than ten countries across three continents allowing us to bring a great understanding of world cultures, media and audiences to each new project.
Current projects include development of an online Research and Knowledge Base for Pioneering Places - the joint largest of the Arts Council and National Lottery Heritage Fund Great Place schemes. In Spring 2020, Five10Twelve was also commissioned to develop and support the Cultural Development Fund (CDF) Peer Learning Network, working with DCMS, Arts Council England, Creative Estuary and the five pilot CDF projects in Grimsby, Plymouth, Thames Estuary, Wakefield and Worcester.
Waterloo Uncovered
Waterloo Uncovered (WU) combines world-class archaeology on the battlefield of Waterloo with a programme of care, recovery and transition into civilian life for veterans and serving military personnel (VSMP) suffering from some of the physical and mental impacts of their service. Since 2015, WU has been bringing together an international team of archaeologists, military personnel, welfare professionals, academics, students and experts in a number of fields; they have made over 6,000 finds and important new discoveries about the course of the battle and about the impact of war on individuals.
Wellbeing and Support has always been at the heart of what WU does. So far, over 100 VSMP have benefited, supported by an experienced team of professional staff. In early 2020, WU was recognised for its charitable work by a Points of Light Award from the UK Prime Minister. Archaeology is proven to support recovery from injury. A multifaceted discipline, it offers opportunities to everyone. The excavation provides interest and focus but is also meditative. What’s more, archaeology offers a real educational and vocational experience, a chance to be part of the civilian workplace under relaxed yet professional conditions. A number of veterans who have taken part in the excavations have carried on with archaeology or
have been inspired into education.
St John's Waterloo
St John the Evangelist, the grade II* church by the roundabout at Waterloo, is a church that is here for everyone. It was built as a Commissioners’ Church in 1824 and restored after the war as the Festival of Britain Church in 1951. Today it serves the diverse communities who live and work around it and many thousands of others who visit this busy part of London.
In the midst of our (usually) hectic city, St John’s provides cultural and spiritual enrichment, sanctuary and contemplation. In the face of social injustice and deep need, it responds with action. St John’s inclusive, broad church worship attracts a diverse congregation. It’s been at the heart of support for the homeless since the days when the area was known as Cardboard City. It runs employment training, welcomes volunteers to work in its churchyard garden and puts on the annual Waterloo Festival, a fringe of international, national and local creativity.
St John’s is fundraising for a major restoration of its crypt, for the urgent conservation of its altarpiece murals by German Jewish refugee artists Hans Feibusch, and for a new therapy and wellbeing service that will meet the post-Covid needs of the local community.
The Heritage Funding Directory
The Heritage Funding Directory continues to be a comprehensive list of funding sources available to the sector (please note that some of the entries are in the process of being updated). These include funds for projects across the UK as well as an International Funding Directory for organisations working overseas.
The Heritage Alliance and our partner the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) [Alliance member], are preparing to launch a refreshed version of the Heritage Funding Directory very soon. Do watch this space.
Be Heard - Join The Heritage Alliance
We understand what challenging times heritage organisations are facing at the moment. If you aren't yet an Alliance member, this might be the right opportunity for you to join, as alongside this free support, we would:
Represent your asks, needs and concerns in our weekly meeting with DCMS and fortnightly ministerial meetings;
Connect you to other organisations across the sector through our advocacy groups and networks;
Promote your events/jobs/content through Heritage Update for free- reaching over 14k inboxes in the sector, to give you visibility at this critical time.
To find out more, please contact the Heritage Alliance's Development & Membership Manager, Delphine, at development@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
Header Image: Waterloo Uncovered
The header image for this week's issue of Heritage Update is from one of the Alliance's newest members Waterloo Uncovered.
Waterloo Uncovered uses archaeology to help veterans to adjust to civilian life, and to tackle any negative physical or mental effects of their service. The image portrays veterans taking part in a dig.
Image: Waterloo Uncovered
Government Updates - COVID-19
As of August 15th, more of the cultural sector were able to open their doors to the public. This included, theatres, music and performance venues, indoor play, bowling alleys, skating rinks and casinos. Wedding receptions are now also permitted with a sit down meal for up to 30 guests.
Government also changed it's travel advice on France, Netherlands, Malta and Monaco, advising against non-essential travel and asking that all those returning now quarantine for 2 weeks.
The latest updates from the Government on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic includes new guidance on:
DCMS Coronavirus Impact Business Survey - Wave 2
DCMS is undertaking a second wave of their Coronavirus Impact survey in order to better understand the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on organisations in the digital, culture, media, sport, gambling, telecoms, and tourism sectors and what needs to be done to support businesses.
The deadline is 8th September 2020. You can fill in the survey here.
Sector Health
Museum figures for the week to August 9th showed that museum visitor figures were still low, with government figures showing footfall at just 10%.
ONS published equally grim figures, reporting that 42% of businesses in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector reported that operating costs are exceeded turnover.
More promisingly, a VisitBritain consumer sentiment test found that 12% of the French and 11% of the Germans who plan to go on a holiday abroad in the next six months consider travelling to Britain. This, however, came before Britain reintroduced a quarantine for those travelling from France.
VisitBritain's consumer tracker report found that only 12% of UK adults now think the worst has past and fewer believe that the crisis will be over in the near future. The proportion expecting to go on a domestic break before September fell to 19%, but 30% of UK adults had already taken such a break.
Heritage for Inclusive Growth
The RSA, with the support of the British Council and with input from other Heritage bodies, including the Alliance, published their report 'Heritage for Inclusive Growth'.
The report explores how Heritage can deliver economic growth that reduces inequalities and delivers social and environmental outcomes. It investigates several case studies before presenting new insights into delivering inclusive growth.
Heritage Counts - Heritage and the Environment
Historic England have published a new edition of Heritage Counts - 'Heritage and the Environment'.
This report explores the connection between our past and our natural environment, revealing how our heritage is inextricably linked to our surroundings. It investigates what affects our built and natural environments, and how our knowledge of Heritage can help preserve and improve these.
Read the full report here.
Coronavirus puts young people off visiting Heritage sites
Research by Ecclesiastical [Alliance member] has revealed that young people, already disengaged with the heritage sector, are less likely to visit cultural centres because of Coronavirus.
Key findings are that:
Approximately a quarter of young people are less likely to visit heritage and cultural attractions.
During the 12 months before the lockdown started 73% of young people never visited a stately home, while two thirds had never visited a gallery.
Read more here.
AHRC and DCMS Covid Recovery Panel announced
AHRC and DCMS have announced who will sit on their advisory panel exploring how the cultural and creative industries have reacted to the pandemic.
The panel will be co-chaired by Executive Chair of AHRC, Professor Andrew Thompson, and Neil Mendoza, recently appointed the Government’s Commissioner for Cultural Recovery and Renewal.
Read more here.
Force for Good - Charity Digital and J. P. Morgan
Charity Digital has teamed up with J.P. Morgan to offer charities the opportunity to work with their technology experts to improve their digital offer.
Find out more here.
Georgian Group Cleary Fund
The Georgian Group [Alliance Member] has extended the deadline for applications to its Cleary Fund to 31st August. The Cleary Fund is a small grants scheme which supports projects to restore and conserve built heritage of the Georgian period. Grants are awarded annually to a small number of projects, usually up to a maximum amount of £2,500.
For further details and to apply, visit the Group's website.
Churches Conservation Trust - Free Support
The Regeneration Team at the Churches Conservation Trust [Alliance Member] are offering to provide aid to small organisations or groups running or planning to operate new enterprises from historic buildings. They can advise on business and governance, activity and planning, and consultation and engagement.
Click here for more details.
Waterloo church venue hire - St John's
New Alliance member St John’s Waterloo (the Greek revival grade II* church by the Imax roundabout) has recently reopened and is offering its vast open nave as a perfect space for socially distanced meetings, conferences and workshops. The nave is the work of Thomas Ford who restored St John’s after wartime bomb damage for its reopening as the Festival of Britain church in 1951. The nave has the added advantage of opening onto a beautiful churchyard garden. Further meeting rooms are available in the crypt and at sister church St Andrew’s Short Street, just off The Cut. St John’s is also taking bookings from groups who can no longer afford permanent offices but want a regular venue for team meetings or workspace for a limited time each week.
For photos, prices and more information, please see venue hire or contact bookings@stjohnswaterloo.org.
Community Life Survey 2019/20 - Giving Figures
Government has published the results of the Community Life Survey, conducted in March/April 2020.
Among its findings were that:
64% of respondents had volunteered in some way in the past year
75% had given to charitable causes in the last 4 weeks. 'Arts and museums' was the least popular category to give to (4%) apart from 'Other'.
53% want to be involved in local decision making, but only 27% feel able to influence local decisions
See more here.
Local Government Association - Creative Places
The Local Government Association has published a paper 'Creative places - supporting your local creative economy'. The paper aims to help councils to understand the Creative sector, explains that it has been hit by Covid by longer and more severely than other sectors, and gives advice on how to map the local creative economy, and set and deliver goals to support it
Heritage Minister Tours Heritage Sites
As part of 'Love Culture Week', the Heritage and Tourism Minister Nigel Huddleston MP has continued to tour numerous Heritage sites in the past week. He has visited, among others, Hampton Court Palace and Norwich Cathedral and Castle!
Metal Detectorists Grant
Historic England have put forward a £50,000 grant to support setting up a new body to support metal detectorists.
Read more here.
National Trust - Archaeologist discovers thousands of rare items under the floor of a Tudor house.
An archaeologist working alone at the National Trust Property, Oxburgh Hall in Norfolk, discovered an exciting cache of items under the attic floor!
Finds included:
• Rare 600-year-old illuminated manuscript fragment discovered under floorboards
• Rats nests comprised of 200 pieces of high status Elizabethan textiles
• Fragments of medieval books and handwritten music likely to have been hidden by devout Catholic family
See more on the National Trust website.
Open Consultations
Consultations/surveys which are currently open include:
Upcoming Events in Heritage
Update: owing to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many events have been postponed. Please check individual websites for more information.
27 August - Victorian Society - A Passion for Pattern: Victorian Wallpapers
1 September - Country Houses and their settings on the South Downs, c. 1680-1840
3 September - 17 September: B'nai B'rith UK European Days of Jewish Culture & Heritage
4-5 September: Civic Voice Conference, Blackpool - moved from 1-2 May
8 Septmeber - YCCC - The Heart of Yorkshire: Creativity and Culture in York Minster's Collections
9 September - Victorian Society - The Pub Unwrapped and the Golden Age of Pub Building
10 September: British Napoleonic Bicentenary Trust - Launch of 'Napoleon 200' events
10 September: A Marriage of Minds: John Betjeman and John Piper, SPAB Lecture, London
11-20 September: Heritage Open Days
15 September - Georgian Group - Restoring Wentworth Woodhouse
21 September - Georgian Group - Thomas Archer: Architect of the English Baroque
24 September: Castle House: Rescuing Early Concrete from Ruin, SPAB Lecture, London
28 September - The Heritage Alliance, Heritage, Health and Wellbeing Report Launch
29 September - Georgian Group - Cobham Dairy: a case study in Wyatt family collaboration
30 September: Historic Pools of Britain event, Chester City Baths
Until 30 September - The Gaelic Tower Houses of Ireland, SPAB
Until 30 September - An Introduction to Lime and it's Uses, SPAB
3 October: Understanding Your Old House, SPAB Course, Edinburgh
8 October: Wentworth Woodhouse: Saving England's Largest Country House, SPAB Lecture, London
22 October: New Design for Old Buildings Seminar: Smaller Projects - Domestic and Commercial, SPAB Seminar, Manchester
24 October - 1 November: CBA Festival of Archaeology, UK-wide - on-the-ground festival events
9 November - The Heritage Debate, The Heritage Alliance (Save the Date)
10 November - Georgian Group - Building and Public Health in Early Modern England
24 November - Georgian Group - Wanstead House: The Angel and the Cad
6-7 February 2021 - Listed Property Show, Listed Property Owner's Club
10 March 2021 - The Historic Religious Buildings Alliance Big Update
13 March 2021: Understanding Your Old House Course, SPAB Course, London
24 April 2021: Sketching with Thread, SPAB Workshop, London
York Consortium for Conservation and Craftsmanship (YCCC) - ‘The Heart of Yorkshire: Creativity and Culture in York Minster’s Collections’
Like so many institutions, normal operations at York Minster have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. During this unprecedented time, a temporary exhibition in the spacious 13th-century Chapter House provides an opportunity to showcase objects not usually on long-term display. Opening in September 2020, ‘The Heart of Yorkshire: Creativity and Culture in York Minster’s Collections’ features items made in York or intrinsically associated with the area, from stained glass and silver to illuminated manuscripts and York’s first newspaper.
In YCCC's [Alliance Member] final Summer Second Tuesday Talk, Dr Helen Rawson, Head of Heritage at York Minster, will discuss the objects and their history, and explore the considerations, challenges and opportunities of putting together an exhibition in a ‘non-museum’ space. Following Helen’s presentation, she will be joined for a Q&A discussion session by her co-curators, Peter Young and Sarah Griffin, Archivist and Librarian of York Minster. For more information, please visit the YCCC website.
It will be held on 8th September 2020, 19.00-20.00.
You can register for the event here.
Victorian Society - Online Events
The Victorian Society [Alliance Member] is offering the chance to hear leading historians, authors, architects and curators speak on a wide range of topics in our new online lectures, hosted on Crowdcast.
A Passion for Pattern: Victorian Wallpapers by Joanna Banham
£5.00 - Thursday 27th August - 7pm
The Victorian period witnessed massive changes in the manufacture and consumption of wallpaper: a product that had previously been a luxury item became available to all but the very poorest of homes. It also saw a huge proliferation of different styles that included glamorous French-inspired florals, severe geometric Gothic designs, trompe l’ceil architectural, mosaic, and stone effects, and the innovative work of Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement. Joanna will discuss features such as nursery designs, relief decorations, arsenical pigments, and explore the many different ways that wallpaper was used in the decoration of the Victorian home.
Book here.
The Pub Unwrapped and the Golden Age of Pub Building by Geoff Brandwood
£5.00 - Wednesday 9th September - 7pm
Geoff will be taking a look at one of our great British institutions and their historic fabrics. From small country pubs and old inns, he will show how the pub as we know it was essentially a Victorian creation with a truly magnificent flowering in the closing years of the nineteenth century. Geoff has co-authored and edited a number of books on pubs, as well has being heavily involved with the Victorian Society for many years. He has played a key role in the Campaign for Real Ale's fight to preserve historic pub interiors.
Book here.
The Georgian Group Events
The Georgian Group [Alliance Member] is hosting a series of evening lectures.
1 September - Country Houses and their settings on the South Downs, c.1680-1840
More information here.
15 September - Restoring Wentworth Woodhouse
More information here.
21 September - Thomas Archer: Architect of the English Baroque
More information here.
29 September - Cobham Dairy: a case study in Wyatt family collaboration
More information here.
10 November - Building and Public Health in Early Modern England
More information here.
24 November - Wanstead House: The Angel and the Cad
More information here.
Nigerian Rail Heritage - Past, Present and Future
This online exhibition linked the documentation and conservation of Nigeria's railway heritage infrastructure with how it is used, experienced and imagined today, and how that interacts with contemporary conversations on railway development
It was a collaborative visual project between the Oxford Martin School, Legacy 1995 and the Nigeria Railways Corporation, with help from the TORCH Heritage Project [Alliance member].
You can see the exhibition here.
National Heritage Memorial Fund/ National Lottery Heritage Fund - Chair
The Prime Minister wishes to appoint a new Chair to lead the National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) and The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) Board. The Chair is responsible for the strategic leadership of the Board, taking ownership and responsibility for developing and delivering strategy as well as championing the aims and strategic objectives of the Fund. The Chair will need to have a broad appreciation of heritage and promoting its public understanding and enjoyment, together with strong skills in analytical thinking, influencing, communication and a sound understanding of corporate governance. The Chair will also need to demonstrate their commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equality.
Applications are encouraged from all sections of the community to help ensure that the NHMF board is representative of the diverse society it serves. The Fund would particularly welcome applications from individuals who are based outside of London.
Location: Across UK
Salary: £40,000
Hours and contract: Two days a week, Public Appointment
Closing date: 11/09/2020
For more information, visit the Cabinet Office website.
Historic Houses - Operation Officer (Maternity Cover)
Historic Houses are looking for outstanding individual to join us on a fixed-term basis as Operations Officer to cover a maternity leave from October 2020.
Historic Houses represents more than 1,500 historic houses, castles and gardens in independent ownership across the UK.Historic Houses helps its member properties celebrate the past, secure the future, and speak with one powerful voice through important lobbying, advisory, marketing, and technical work.
The successful candidate will be an important member of the team and acting as the first point of contact at our London office, ensuring the smooth running of the organisation. The role will provide membership administrative and operational support to their member properties and others through the management of member data, access to advice services, as well as organising and running educational and social events. The post also plays an integral role in ensuring the head office team is supported in the day-to-day running of the organisation.
Salary: £30,000 per annum
Closing Date: 23rd August
Interviews will take place via video call on either Thursday 27 August or Tuesday 1 September 2020.
Please see the HH website for more information.
For an informal discussion about the role, please contact Rufus Mitcheson, Director of Finance & Operations: rufus.mitcheson@historichouses.org.
Programme Officer (Appleby Heritage Action Zone) - Eden District Council
The historic town of Appleby was chosen as one of the country’s first ten Heritage Action Zones, designed to unlock potential in areas that are rich in heritage. You will be a key officer in managing the project to its conclusion and although employed by Eden District Council, you will be also working closely with Historic England and Appleby Town Council.
You will have excellent project management skills and experience of leading or contributing to multiple projects whilst maintaining quality results. A good understanding of heritage or conservation would be an advantage. You should have excellent communication skills to enable you to represent the Council professionally and build good working relationships with all of those involved.
There is a requirement for regular travel and to effectively fulfil this requirement you must be able to travel independently around the District.
Salary: £26,999 rising to £28,785 pro-rata
Hours and contract: Fixed term until 31 March 2022; 22.5 hours per week
Closing date: The closing date for applications is 5pm on Wednesday 2nd September 2020.
Interviews will take place on Thursday 10th September 2020 and, if required, on Friday 11th September 2020. It is expected given current circumstances that these will be undertaken virtually via Microsoft Teams.
For further details of the post including the job description, person specification and an application form visit www.eden.gov.uk/your-council/job-vacancies/, Call: 01768 212210,
email human.resources@eden.gov.uk.
Review of Historic Environment Scotland’s Conservation Regeneration Scheme (CARS) - Historic Environment Scotland
Historic Environment Scotland are seeking a consultant to lead on the evaluation of their Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) since its inception in 2007 to better understand its overall impact, successes and potential areas for improvement. In addition to undertaking the review, the consultant will provide recommendations to inform the design of a refreshed, area-based funding scheme which contributes to the development of sustainable places in Scotland through community-led regeneration of the historic environment. Experience evaluating and designing funding programmes is essential.
Budget of up to £30k, exclusive of VAT
Contract to be completed within 3 months
Closing date 11 September 2020 (noon)
Full information on how to apply is available here through Public Contracts Scotland.
Advertise your news, views, vacancies and courses in Heritage Update
The voice of the independent heritage movement, Heritage Update is a free e-bulletin produced on a fortnightly basis by The Heritage Alliance and distributed directly to subscribers’ inboxes and published online. Click here to subscribe.
Heritage Update now reaches some 14,000 inboxes and is Tweeted to over 20,000 Twitter followers as well as shared on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Advertising vacancies in Update is free to Alliance members and costs a modest £165 per ad per issue to non-members. We also welcome image-based advertising on our side-bar for academic courses, projects and services of interest to the sector. More information about advertising can be found on our website.
Schedule of forthcoming issues: The next edition of Update will be on 20 August 2020. The copy deadline is Monday morning in the week of circulation.
If you wish to use or quote from items in Heritage Update, you should always check the accuracy and current position with the source. The Heritage Alliance cannot guarantee the accuracy of (or accept any responsibility for) the contents of Update.
Become A Sponsor for Heritage Update
As we work to improve Heritage Update as an important resource for the sector, we are currently developing sponsorship packages for the new and improved Heritage Update.
Sponsors of Heritage Update receive a package of benefits including having their name and logo displayed on our website, having their logo displayed at the top of each issue of Heritage Update, and receiving recognition for their contribution to the sector in our communications about the newsletter.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of Heritage Update, please email development@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
Heritage Alliance Contacts
Chief Executive
Lizzie Glithero-West 07714 795575 [Tues, Wed & Thurs]
Head of Policy & Communications
Hannah Shimko 0333 023 0793
Advocacy & Communications Officer [Mon, Tues & Wed]
Daniella Briscoe-Peaple 0333 023 0790
Communications & Policy Officer [Mon, Thurs & Fri]
Katie Ramsey 0333 023 0796
Development & Membership Manager
Delphine Jasmin-Belisle 0333 023 0792
Office & Finance Manager [Mon & Tues]
Howard Weinberg +44 (0)20 7233 0900
Projects & Policy Officer
Max Price 0333 023 0791
Historic Religious Building Alliance Development Officer [Wed & Thurs]
Becky Payne +44 (0)20 7233 0900
Heritage Digital Project Manager
Carmen Talbot
Heritage Digital Project Engagement Manager
Vanessa Moore
Rebuilding Heritage Project Manager
Sarah Murray 0333 023 0794
Historic Environment Forum
Heritage 2020 Project Officer
Caroline Peach
HEF Covid Task Group Manager
Mike Heyworth
HEF Task Group Manager
Suzanne Huggett-Jones
HEF Steering Group Manager
Francesca Benetti
To opt out, scroll to the very end of this email underneath the blue bar and click 'Not interested? Unsubscribe instantly'.
The Heritage Alliance is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales Registered Company No 4577804 and a Registered Charity. Charity No 1094793. Registered Office 5-11 Lavington St, London SE1 0NZ.