We know to be in good health we should be physically active most of the time, but it can be so easy to give it a miss. How many times have you skipped out on exercise by watching television, sleeping in, gaming or using social media? Maybe what's lacking is move-tivation?
Move-tivation?!?! OK, so it's not a real word but when it comes to physical acitivity (movement), some of us need a little more motivation than others.
Partner up!
One way around that is to involve others.
Imagine how quickly 30 minutes would go if you went for a walk with your partner, family member or friend. Make sure you're on speaking terms though, or it could be a very long wallk!
Try assembling a group with each of you listing 3 or 4 activities or exercise to do, over a pre-determined time e.g. 10 minutes followed by an agreed rest time e.g 2 minutes.
If you're walking (or jogging) try racing between various points along your route with the winner of most of the legs earning a little reward.
You also might like to set goals and once you meet them celebrate in some way.
Take it easy
Not everyone will be at the same fitness level so make it a goal to increase your activity levels from 10, 20 to 30 minutes gradually.
If you have an existing health condition, haven't been doing exercise for quite some time or are over 40 it's a good idea to consult with your doctor to work out what's best for you.