IDRA Names 2014 José A. Cárdenas School Finance Fellow – Dr. Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

March 3, 2014
IDRA has named Dr. Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos to be our 2014 José A. Cárdenas School Finance Fellow for this inaugural year of the program, which we have established to honor the memory of IDRA founder, Dr. José Angel Cárdenas. The goal of the program is engage the nation’s most promising researchers in investigating school finance solutions that secure equity and excellence for all public school students.
“Dr. José A. Cárdenas dedicated his life to improving educational opportunities for all children, leading decades-long efforts to achieve school finance equity,” said Dr. María “Cuca” Robledo Montecel, IDRA president. “Research is needed as we continue our work to move to fair funding and opportunity for all students. We are so pleased to have named Dr. Jimenez-Castellanos as our first fellow to advance this research.”
“I am honored and humbled in receiving the inaugural IDRA José A. Cárdenas School Finance Fellowship award to conduct research to improve the funding for the most vulnerable populations while striving toward equity and excellence,” Dr. Jimenez-Castellanos said.
An assistant professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University, Dr. Jimenez-Castellanos
has published extensively in the area of K-12 education finance, policy and parent engagement and its impact on opportunity, equity and outcomes in low-income ethnically and linguistically diverse communities. He received his master’s degree in policy studies from San Diego State University and his doctorate in education from Claremont Graduate University. His work has been published in academic journals, such as Review of Educational Research, Bilingual Research Journal, Educational Considerations, and Journal of Latinos and Education. He is lead editor of the Association of Mexican American Educators (AMAE) Journal. Dr. Jimenez-Castellanos is a 2012 Ford Postdoctoral Fellow administered by the National Research Council of the National Academies. He was bestowed the honor of a Fulton Professor in 2011 and served as Arizona’s Acting Director of the University Research
Council (URC) in Education.
As IDRA’s 2014 José A. Cárdenas School Finance Fellow, Dr. Jimenez-Castellanos will conduct an important and timely empirical study to examine the amount of supplemental funding above the base funding level that is required to effectively implement appropriate services for English language learners at the secondary level in the State of Texas. More than 11 million school-age children speak a language other than English at home, and Texas enrolls the second largest population of K-12 English language learners. IDRA has been at the forefront in supporting legislative and litigation efforts to address the insufficient funding for education ELLs in Texas and the poor monitoring and implementation of programs serving ELLs at the secondary level.
IDRA’s fellowship was established to focus on and fund school finance research that builds cross-disciplinary and inter-sector perspectives on equity. Fellows dedicate themselves to a period of intense study and writing in school finance, with the effort culminating in an annual symposium that includes release of the fellow’s program paper. The paper and findings will be published in the symposium proceedings and disseminated to the education research and policymaker community throughout the country.
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