Editor's note

The Modern Slavery Act was a landmark piece of legislation passed in the UK in 2015, geared to combating forced labour and human trafficking. But some of its requirements are having unintended consequences for the global workforce of British companies, writes Sandya Hewamanne. She shares some of her insights from spending two summers talking to workers in Sri Lanka about how the law has led to increased surveillance and a culture of fear in the factories they work in.

News headlines are dominated by reports about the fact that plastic waste poses a major threat to the environment. Often the impression that’s created is that plastic is the biggest threat. This, in turn, is dictating priorities in the fight to save the environment. But, argues Peter Ryan, a more nuanced appreciation of research is needed to ensure that efforts to mitigate damage to the environment aren’t driven by scare-mongering.

Annabel Bligh

Co-host, The Anthill Podcast

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