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Equestrian VIC

Equestrian VIC Newsletter

February 18, 2015

General News

Pro Rata

Pro Rata memberships are now available. This membership is only open for new members. Please follow the link for the application form.

Show Horse


Barastoc 2015 incorporating the Victorian State Show Horse & Rider Titles was a very successful event. Equestrian Victoria would like to thank the competitors, sponsors, volunteers and the Show Horse committee. Huge congratulations to all the winners and a massive thank you to the organising committee who put in a lot of time and effort into the show. For all results/ further information on the event please follow the link.

Amateur Show 2015

Show Horse Victoria is proud to announce that the schedule has been released for the Amateur Show in March 2015. Please follow the link below for further information.

Club Development Grants – Submissions Open

Equestrian Australia (EA) is pleased to announce the return of the Club Development Grants – offering $30,000 in funding assistance to affiliated clubs to go towards improving facilities, assisting in building membership and developing equestrian activities at the community level.
16 Clubs shared the $30,000 funding pool when the grants were first offered in 2013/14,  including the Sunshine Coast Riding for the Disabled. The club put the funding they received towards upgrading their current equipment at the centre and the building of their new arena.

“Our centre received a grant for a dressage arena which we have purchased and used for in-house training for our dressage squad which now consists of six very keen riders of varied ability,” said President and head coach at the club, Mathilde Sormani.
Clubs can apply for Grants under one of two categories: Club equipment and facilities upgrades and club development and recruitment programs.  Entry is via the online form available on the EA website.

Grant recipients will be selected based on their submission, the needs of the club and the impact the funding will have on current and potential members as well as the local community.
Equestrian Australia CEO, Grant Baldock said the Club development program would benefit clubs while assisting in the development of the sport.

“The grassroots club system is vital to the growth of equestrian sport, and this Grant program provides funds to areas where it is really needed and will go a long way to benefiting the future of the sport.”

Submissions are now being accepted and close 10:00pm Sunday 22nd March 2015. Applications must be submitted via the online form.


Victorians in National Squad

Congratulations to the Victorian riders who have been nationally acknowledged in the recent naming of the National High Performance Squads.
On the Australian Senior squad we see Caltango ridden by Tim Clarke and also Yalambi Bellini Star owned and ridden by Stevie Hill.  Both these horses have excelled in all Senior level competition across the country.
On the Futures Squad the horses listed below identified through the Talent Identification Series-
7 year old squad:  Danieyera Park Charlotte ridden by Tricia Read,
8 year old squad:  Galvanised ridden by Phil Stephens, Ally Lamb’s Diamond B Corsica, Cera Camina ridden Kelvin Blumson, and Zoe Boulton with her Valcheta.
9 year old squad:  Cervelt ridden by Caroline Price; Blues My Name ridden by Scottie Barclay, Paul Brent riding Cavalli Park Anniebell owned by Neil Clinton and Sue Coman riding Rose Cavalier.
The National Young Rider Squad sees Teagan Chester, Matilda Alexander, Melissa Backman, Courtney Shears, Joel Pearce and Sam Robertson named which is a strong level of representation for the state so well done to these riders.

Hygain Junior & Young Rider Squad

The long awaited Hygain Young Rider Squad nomination forms are up on the website and rolling in.  If you are a junior or young rider jumping from approx. 80cm up to elite level, you are welcome to apply.  The closing date for this is March 1st and then the selectors will be working to decide on the four squads for 2015.  If you would like to discuss this process and work out if it is suitable for your junior rider, you can email and Annie is happy to give you further details.

Calendar Meeting

Jumping Victoria held a Calendar meeting for show organisers last week.  We are looking to produce a comprehensive calendar of jumping shows for the coming twelve months.  This has gone back to the Clubs for confirmation of dates.  If you are involved in a show that you wish to appear on this calendar, please contact as a matter of urgency.

Judges Update and Promotion Seminar

The judge's update and promotion seminar is also coming up on February 28th/March 1st.  Form is available to download from the Jumping Victoria website or alternatively contact and it will be emailed out to you directly.  It is suitable for those with no experience right through to experienced judges looking to promote to the next level.

Attention Coaches -Hygain YR Squad Coach nominations now being taken!!

If you are a qualified NCAS coach and would like to be a part of the coaching panel for the Hygain YR Jumping Squads, please submit the form found on the JV website here by March 1st.

Query from member

Years ago I had a book with a photo of a 14:2 mare named OOrskiet that I believe was on the Olympic jumping team.  I would love to find out more about her...can anyone oblige?


Melbourne International 3 Day Event

Equestrian Victoria is looking forward to hosting the 2015 Melbourne International 3Day Event from June 6th to 9th. Many eyes, including the selectors, will be on the Olympic hopefuls aiming for Rio in 2016. Last year's winner of the 3* Shane Rose has tagged it as a hit out for CP Qualified his short listed horse co owned by Victorian Felicity Wischer.  Melbourne is the oldest three day event in the Southern Hemisphere and has a long history of being a spring board for the Olympics. The committee is looking forward to welcoming a big crowd of supporters to the Queen's birthday weekend Event.

Riding, Study and Work: Can you have it all?

Picture: Kylie Burton after winning the Aachen Challenge, Dressage Festival 2009

Any rider knows the commitment and sacrifice associated with horses: the many hours, the early starts, the bad weather, missing out on social events, and of course the inevitable hole in your hip pocket. Add study and/or work to your schedule, and you’ve undoubtedly got your work cut out for you.
Of course, we love it, and many of us wouldn’t have it any other way, but how can we best manage these commitments, in order to achieve success and enjoy the ride?
My story
After finishing VCE and completing two years of Uni, I decided to press pause on study. Having not identified with my first choice of degree, I decided to take a year off to find what I “really wanted to do". What better way to spend that year than by riding full time. After landing a position with dressage guru, Charlotte Pedersen, one year soon turned into four and a half.
What an experience it was.
Learning to train numerous types and personalities of both horses and riders, travelling overseas to ride for a top dressage stable, and being paid to compete talented horses – these are only a few of the numerous educational and rewarding experiences I was so fortunate to gain.
Having never intended for dressage to be my long term career, I then decided to explore alternative paths. After much deliberation, I chose to study Engineering. Later, Charlotte would remind me that horses are not mathematical equations! I was accepted into the University of Melbourne and felt ready to return to the books.
Then came the challenge: how do I maintain my standard of riding and competition, do justice to my study and work enough to support myself? Also a lover of fitness, added to the mix was my desire to go to the gym, to do Pilates and to run regularly. Occasionally there was even a romance I had to make time for! There just weren’t enough hours in the day, and I remember often feeling as though I could never simultaneously succeed in all facets of my life.
Although it felt like I never would, I got there. In 2013 I graduated with Honours. What’s more, many of my most treasured riding successes came during my University years. I achieved these milestones whilst managing to support myself financially (albeit with a little help from my wonderful parents now and then). I won’t say it was a walk in the park, but for what it’s worth, here are some of elements that made it work for me…
Find the balance
This looks different for everyone. For me, it was studying three subjects per semester instead of the usual four. This meant a few more years at Uni, but a much improved quality of life throughout. Some riders prefer to study in the evenings, attend lectures online, or condense their contact hours to reduce the number of days spent on campus. Whatever it is, you need to find the balance works for you.
Be organised
This is a must for any busy person. In addition to thorough planning, this meant two things for me: a mobile pantry, and a mobile wardrobe.
Firstly, I often needed to eat on the go; brekkie on the way to ride or coach, lunch en route to Uni, and sometimes dinner on the way home. Planning and preparing all my meals and snacks meant that I could eat well, whenever and wherever I was.
Secondly, the wardrobe. Clothes for riding, Uni, Pilates, running and going out; toiletries, towels and shoes – I would carry it all in the car. This certainly got on my nerves in the end, but meant that I was prepared in case I wanted / needed to cram one more activity in. I was also lucky enough to have the support of Charlotte and her husband Rob - I’m sure if they charged me a dollar for every shower I took at their place during those years, they could retire by now.
Quality not quantity
I’m sure this comes as no surprise; quality beats quantity hands down when it comes to both riding and study. An effective 20 minute ride is better than a 40 minute session in which your frustration / distraction / fatigue gets the better of you. And of course a short ride is better than no ride at all. The same goes for study.
Plan & compromise
Think ahead to major events and milestones: competitions, exams, important work commitments. Prioritise these events and then plan ahead to work around them. This might mean training a little less leading up to your exam period, or making training your number one priority (and letting study take a backseat) leading up to competitions.
Doing everything perfectly, all the time, is simply not possible. Being forever a perfectionist, I appreciate the temptation to think that it is. It isn’t. Get comfortable with that, and then decide what is most important to you at each moment. This will free you up to whole-heartedly enjoy each and every experience.
The journey to earn that piece of paper can be long – work out how to find the balance so that you can thrive, rather than just survive.

By Kylie Burton


New Director for Saddleworld Dressage Festival

Dressage Victoria is delighted to welcome Marli Plant to the position of Director, Saddleworld Dressage Festival 2015. After an exhaustive interview process which involved a number of strong candidates, Marli was selected. She is a competitor, owner and mother of a young daughter beginning her riding journey. Marli has a strong background in marketing and event management. She currently runs her own agistment property, equestrian apparel business and supports her husband in the management of their successful civil engineering business. The old adage, “ask a busy person”, may in part account for our selecting Marli in the role. This year’s SDF will feature the Pacific League Final CDI-W. After the strong support the 2014 event received from riders and volunteers we look forward to a bigger and better show in 2015 and wish Marli good fortune in the role.

Classic day for Dressage

On Sunday 8th of February, Berwick & District Dressage Club conducted their 27th Berwick Classic Championship at WPNEC, sponsored by Skye Park Rugs.
When this event began in the late 1980s it was one of the few large competitions and had 204 horses taking part over two days. With so many more competitions on the calendar and several marquee events, a club championship like this has reduced in size. However this year with the addition of Young Horse classes in the lead up to DJWTS the entries were very strong. 142 horses entered Preliminary to P St. G and 4 – 6 YO.
The weather was remarkably kind with moderate temperature, overcast sky and little wind. The venue was quiet apart from a few yapping dogs in Indoor 2. Riders had the best of Werribee conditions.
Unfortunately the scoring got a bit overwhelmed with so many entries. This will be fixed next time with more PCs on the job.

The Champions were


Many thanks to the OC and volunteers who supported the event and our valued sponsors, Skye Park Rugs, The Dancing Horse, Officer Grain Store, Bruce Smith Saddleworld, Dr Hugh Cathels Equine Vet.

Summarized Minutes of the January Dressage Victoria Meeting

  • A summarised Calendar of events to be sent out with all new competition licences and 30 copies to be sent to each club.
  • Newsletter to be sent to members by the end of this week
  • Mark Reid has been co-opted onto the EV Board – he is currently working on easy to read/understand financial reports in excel spreadsheet format. Since June financial reports from each discipline have been updated monthly. Every event will be required to submit a pre-event budget.
  • This financial year every event to date has made a profit.
  • Surface improvements to Indoor 1 prior to DJWTS. On the 16th March 2/3 of the surface will be removed then laser levelled and replenished with shavings. Approx Cost $10,000.00. Long term plan is to change the base but until the lease is signed and confirmed no major works will be under taken.
  • 130 people volunteered at the Dressage Festival, need to prepare our volunteers better.
  • SDF was a great success financially and competitor friendly.
  • Boneo Classic– aim was to create an event to attract the general community overall aim achieved. Used a combination of volunteers and paid staff (over 100 volunteers.) NAB supplied volunteers.
  • Boneo put forward a proposal to have a CDI-W in September and incorporate the Food & Wine Festival held by the Shire.
  • Sponsorship Forum at Boneo: We have the entertainment product and we need to research companies to approach
  • M3DE – CDI-W The board has approved the CDI-W, but it will need to be fully funded by Dressage Victoria, the approx. cost of running a CDI-W is approx. $20,000.00 we cannot guarantee a profit. Fundraising ideas required one is to have a fundraising completion such as the DF fundraiser –. Maybe include HRCAV and pony club. Ask GP riders to volunteer at the event IE as Gear checkers etc
  • Young Rider Weekend/Awards – Young Rider/Ambassador of the Year. Criteria being looked at.
  • On the 5th January EV Board met for a strategic meeting New vision is:
    “To create the best state based organisation supporting participants in the equestrian community at all levels”
  • Key priorities being worked on are:
    Financial Stability
    Membership Growth
  • Familiarisation at events was discussed and the committee fully support that familiarisation is given high priority and discussed timeslots in 10 min increments or by class also need to ensure that enough time is allocated to the groundsmen to ensure the surface is ready at start of competition.

Australian Young Rider Dressage Championships

Another meeting was held this week of the hardworking committee who are bringing you the 2015 N.C.I.S. Australian Young Rider Dressage Championships.
Taking place at WPNEC from 9th to 12th of April 2015 this huge event has many generous sponsors. Novus Capital Insurance Solutions are again the major supporter of this event which this year includes National Championships. We in Victoria look forward to hosting the many riders who will venture here from interstate.
A regular supporter of Dressage in Victoria, Saddleworld have sponsored the Victorian Championship section of each class. The OC are conducting a HUGE raffle of fabulous Saddleworld premium products. A PSD “Karl Hester” Saddle, Girth and Bridle valued at $5,000.00. Ticket will be available in Saddleworld stores and through the OC. Keep your eyes peeled.
This event famously includes CDI-Y supported by Ellanbrae Park and CDI-U25 supported by Multiple Olympian Mary Hanna.   Other classes are kindly supported by Top Gear Equestrian Apparel, Buyer’s Choice, Carol Simpson & Hayes & Assoc.
Please book your Saturday Night Dinner tickets asap. They will go fast. At the recent SDF all the tickets for the dinner went before the Saturday so some missed out. Book early and we can cater for you. The bar will be open for Mum & Dad to have a wine with the spit roast. A generous 2 course meal and lots of fun for just $25 each.
We at Dressage Victoria look forward to seeing you all at the N.C.I.S. Australian Young Rider Dressage Championships.

Guidelines for Running Para-Equestrian Events

February 2015
These guidelines have been developed by Equestrian Australia to support clubs and organising committees to run competitions for Para Equestrian riders.
Combining Para Equestrian Events at Dressage Club competitions can be easily achieved. It is the aim that Para Equestrian competitions will be fully integrated into Dressage
Events at all levels in the future. Many Clubs have already
achieved this at either Club or Regional level and have
integrated Para Equestrian into their regular competitions.

What is Para Equestrian?

Para Equestrian (PE) is the term used to describe targeted competitions and activities for riders who have physical or visual impairments and includes para dressage and para driving.
PE dressage riders are those who have undergone a PE Classification assessment which determines the impact of their impairment on riding a horse for dressage competitions. Riders who are eligible to compete in PE competitions do so in one of the five PE dressage Grades which are as follows:
Refer to table above
Most PE riders use compensating aids enabling them to ride without disadvantage and which may include modified saddlery, such as loops on reins or allowances such as salute with head only. The aids and allowances provided to each rider is dependent on their impairment and Grade. All PE riders who have been classified have an EA PE ID Card which lists their Grade and allowed compensating aids. A copy of the rider’s EA PE ID card should be provided to the organising committee at the time of entry. The rider should also carry their EA PE ID Card with them at the competition. PE riders who also compete in able bodied competitions are entitled to use their EA PE ID Card to enable their use of the listed compensating aids.

EA Para Equestrian Dressage Rules

The EA Para Equestrian Dressage Rules are included within Equestrian Australia Dressage Rules 2015, Section 13. A copy of the Rules should be accessible at the Event. These can be found at this link Para Equestrian | Equestrian Australia or go to For FEI PE sanctioned Events the FEI PE Dressage Rules can be found on the FEI website.
• PE competitions must be judged by EA accredited PE judges. A list of the PE judges can be found on the EA website.
• These judges are all EA Elementary level and above and are able to judge able bodied Dressage at their level. These judges are therefore able to judge the able bodied competitions at the same Event to assist in reducing costs.
• Club competitions use EA PE accredited judges if possible.
An exemption can be requested if necessary from SDA and ADJC.
• State and National Events EA PE judges plus FEI PE accredited judges must be used.
The PE Dressage Tests
•A Club must be a minimum of an EA Sport Affiliate Club to use EA and FEI PE Rules and tests.
• At Club or Regional level either the EA PE Tests and/or the FEI PE tests can be used.
• There are 4 FEI tests in each Grade Novice, Team, Individual Championship Test and Freestyle Tests.
•At Club level, the type of PE test is decided between the rider and the Organising Committee and is dependent upon the Grade of the rider. It is up to athletes to approach the OC to request their choice of test which can usually be fitted in at the end or beginning of a competition as it is very rare to have a large number of entries.
• At State, National and FEI sanctioned Events the FEI Tests: Team, Individual Championship and Freestyle Tests are included.
The PE Dressage Arena
• Grades Ia, Ib and II are held in a 20m x 40m arena.
• Grades III and IV are held in 20m x 60m or 20m x 40m.
• Shortening the arena between competitions for the different Grades is best done at the beginning or the end of a competition to save on time and labour.
Rider Requirements
• A member of their State EA branch
• Hold a current EA PE ID card
• For FEI sanctioned Event s riders must be on the FEI Classification Master List which is available at paraequestrian.
• Blind or visually impaired riders (Grade III or IV) are required to wear a coloured armband when mounted
. They have special needs and should be carefully considered particularly with respect to safety and warming up.
Horse Requirements
• Refer to the membership structure on the Equestrian Australia website
Allowances for PE Riders at Events
• Grade la, Ib and ll may have their trainer or nominated person ride their horse. The trainer or nominated person may only warm up for a total of 30 minutes and must be off the horse during the last 15 minutes prior to the start of the test. This will be self managed at Club Events but is supervised by a steward at State, National and FEI sanctioned Events.
•Presentations it is recommended that these are unmounted and preferably on a flat wheelchair accessible area.
Venue Facilities
• Where possible a mounting block/ramp should be available to riders. In many instances riders may provide their own. For CPEDI Events this must be made available.More information is available from Equestrian Australia.
• A wheelchair accessible toilet is necessary. Most Clubs’ venues will meet this requirement.
• If the Event is nominated as one which Classification is to be provided for riders (National and CPEDI Events) there are some additional requirements. EA National office can provide details of these requirements.
Further information
If you are considering offering PE competitions at your Event and would like further information please contact the PE representative in your State or:
Sara Latham
Sport Consultant
Equestrian Australia
National Office
02 8762 7777
Email: sara.lath

Equestrian Australia Equestrian New South Wales Equestrian Victoria Equestrian South Australia
Equestrian Queensland Equestrian Western Australia Equestrian Northern Territory Equestrian Tasmania

Equestrian Victoria's postal address is:
PO Box 616, WERRIBEE VIC 3030
Tel: +61 3 9013 0707
Fax: +61 3 9974 0577

Equestrian Victoria recognises that privacy is important and that individuals have a right to control their personal information. If you send us an email message we will record your contact details. This information will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. We will not use your email for any other purpose and will not disclose it without your consent. When users choose to join a mailing list their details are added to that specific mailing list and used for the stated purpose of that list only. Equestrian Victoria members are automatically subscribed to the newsletter when they initially join Equestrian Victoria or when Equestrian Victoria receives their email address.

Copyright 2014, Equestrian Victoria. This material is protected by copyright. The owners of the copyright in this material reserve all rights. Users must not copy, reproduce, frame, transmit, link to or otherwise use any of the material, including audio and video excerpts, without the prior written permission of Equestrian Victoria.

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