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Equestrian WA

April 12, 2018


Notice is hereby given to the Members of Equestrian Western Australia Incorporated that the 2018 Annual General Meeting for Equestrian Western Australia Incorporated will be held on:

Thursday 10 May 2018
Commencing at 7:00pm
State Equestrian Centre (Oceanfoam Room, 1st Floor)
303 Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon, WA 6069

The 2017 Annual Report and Financials will be made available online prior to the meeting.


  1. Meeting opening
  2. Apologies
  3. Acceptance of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting conducted on 27 April 2017
  4. To receive and if thought fit, adopt the 2017 Annual Report
  5. To receive and if thought fit, adopt the 2017 Financial Statements including the Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2017
  6. To appoint the Auditor for the 2018 Financial Year
  7. Notice of Motions
  8. Close of meeting


Notice is also given that a Special General Meeting will follow immediately after the Annual General Meeting.

The purpose of the Special General Meeting is to set out the proposed amendments to the EWA Constitution (“EWAC”) to ensure that it complies with new law known as the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (“the Act”), seeking Member approval by special resolution. More details on these changes can be found under the 'EWA Constitution Review' heading below.


  1. Meeting opening
  2. Apologies
  3. EWA Constitution Review
  4. Notice of Special Resolutions (see "Proposed Special Resolutions" below)
  5. Close of meeting

Please join the Board of Directors and staff members for refreshments at the SEC after the close of the Special General Meeting.

EWA Constitution Review:

The Proposed Special Resolutions document sets out the proposed amendments to the EWA Constitution (“EWAC”) to ensure that it complies with new law known as the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (“the Act”). As Members may be aware, EWA is an incorporated association, so this new Act applies to it and its Constitution, as it does to a wide range of sporting clubs, charities, churches etc across Western Australia. The Act requires that we update the EWAC to comply with extra requirements of responsibility, transparency and standards of operation required or EWA as an incorporated association. The amendments proposed are in line with the new requirements on EWA and are recommended by the Board of Directors as being in the best interests of all members.

The first group of amendments are those specifically required to be in the EWAC by the new Act, and may simply be approved with Board authority and not a special resolution of a general meeting. The second group of suggested amendments are required to ensure that the EWAC is consistent with the new Act. While these changes do not necessarily require approval by the EWA members in general meeting, the Board of Directors of EWA decided that it is better to put them to the AGM for member approval in the interests of openness and accountability. Members please be aware that these are required changes and all over Western Australia incorporated associations including equestrian clubs, are making these changes to ensure their constitutions comply with the new law by the 1st of July, 2019.

There is also a third group of proposed amendments to the Constitution which are minor in nature - such as correcting typos and mistakes. In these we are also proposing to remove from the list of EWA Committees the NCAS Committee (which will be replaced by a coaching advisory panel), as well as the High Performance Panel, and the Inter School Committee. These interests will continue to be represented by panels appointed by the EWA Board as they are now, but as they are not Sporting Committees they will not be listed in the Constitution with the sporting committees in Cl 24.1. Although minor, these amendments require approval of Members by special resolution in a General Meeting under our Constitution, as they are changes to the EWAC. So the Board of Directors of EWA has decided to put all the proposed changes to members at a special general meeting to be held after the AGM, seeking member approval by special resolution.

For Members interested in more detail and background on the proposed changes, there is an updated version of the EWAC with the changes annotated within it, that is available, and the current EWAC is online at the EWA website. Please contact William Newton-Wordsworth at if you would like more information or if you have any questions about this matter.

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Equestrian Western Australia's postal address is:
303 Cathedral Ave, BRIGADOON WA 6069
Tel: +61 8 9296 1200
Fax: +61 8 9296 1194

Equestrian Western Australia recognises that privacy is important and that individuals have a right to control their personal information. If you send us an email message we will record your contact details. This information will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. We will not use your email for any other purpose and will not disclose it without your consent. When users choose to join a mailing list their details are added to that specific mailing list and used for the stated purpose of that list only. Equestrian Western Australia members are automatically subscribed to the newsletter when they initially join Equestrian Western Australia or when Equestrian Western Australia receives their email address.

Copyright 2014, Equestrian Western Australia. This material is protected by copyright. The owners of the copyright in this material reserve all rights. Users must not copy, reproduce, frame, transmit, link to or otherwise use any of the material, including audio and video excerpts, without the prior written permission of Equestrian Western Australia.

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