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LCNZ Bishop’s Page

CELEBRATING Lutheran Women of New Zealand

Inviting former members of Lutheran Women of New Zealand and all Lutheran Women to a day of celebration, reminiscence and thanksgiving led by Dr Pauline Simonsen


Theme: Jesus - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Saturday 8th March, 9.45am-3.00pm

St Luke’s Lutheran Church Palmerston North

$10 registration fee

Lunch, morning & afternoon tea provided

Registration Forms available from manawatulutheran@inspire.net.nz

Come along for a day of fun and fellowship with Christian women

Visit the Lutheran Church of New Zealand website

PO Box 12470,
Thorndon, Wellington 6144

P: +64 (0)4 3852540
E: admin@lutheran.org.nz
W: www.lutheran.org.nz

Visit the Lutheran Church of Australia website

197 Archer Street
North Adelaide SA 5006

P: +61 (0)8 8267 7300
E: admin@lca.org.au
W: www.lca.org.au

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