AUGUST 2020DELEGATE ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEETINGThe SSCCC will hold a special meeting on September 4, 2020, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. During this meeting, the Delegate Assembly will elect the Vice President of Regional Affairs, adopt an action plan to aggressively break down institutional racism, and hear updates and announcements from the SSCCC. You can find registration for the event and information about the candidates on the SSCCC website here. The agenda for the event will be available after August 17, 2020.
Ballot Bowl Last year, the Secretary of State launched the College and University Ballot Bowl to see which Higher Education segment can register the most students to vote before the general election (see video below). CSU won the trophy last year and was inducted into the Secretary of State University Hall of Fame. WE CANNOT LET CSU WIN THIS YEAR! In the words of late Congressman John Robert Lewis "Voting and participating in the democratic process are key. The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it." Ballot Bowl Timeline: *Tentative Date: Monday, November 16, 2020 - Ballot Bowl Winners Presented with Award(s) We are challenging each CCC student body association to begin a campaign to register your students to vote! Your region representative will be developing flyers and other information to assist you in getting out the vote. Watch for more!! Click this link to REGISTER TO VOTE!! System-wide Participatory CommitteesAre you interested in serving with college presidents, faculty, and classified professionals to make a policy change at the state level? Are there areas or issues that you are concerned about and would like to be part of the solution? Then, this is your chance. There are over 25 participatory governance committees covering areas such as EOPS, DSPS, Veterans, curriculum, technology, distance education, financial aid, and much more. The commitments vary based on the committee and can range from three times a year or each month. We are currently seeking students with certain characteristics including:
If you are interested in serving on a participatory governance committee, please review the list of groups on the Application for State Service below and sign up today!! SSCCC Town Hall - Student Listening TourIf you missed the SSCCC Town Hall on August 4, 2020, it is not too late to hear from students. In this town hall, students were provided a space to express their experiences and feelings about the racial climate in the CCC System. The town hall was not an opportunity to blame individuals or groups but instead make progress to create an environment where students, particularly those of color, feel welcomed and are able to succeed. This platform provided space for healthy discussions that will result in an SSCCC plan of action to inform policy decisions on behalf of students. Here are some comments from the live Town Hall audience:
The next town hall will be held on August 21, 2020, at 12:00 noon. During this second town hall, the Institutional Success for People of Color Task Force will share a proposed plan of action. You can register for this town hall here. Caucus Activation ReminderSSCCC caucuses are informal bodies created to facilitate dialogue and action around an issue of shared importance to caucus members. Caucus membership is open to all California community college students, and you can be a member of multiple caucuses. With the start of the new term, the SSCCC is looking to gauge students’ interest in inactive caucuses to determine which ones should be renewed during this term. If you have participated in a caucus in the past or are interested in joining one, please fill out this survey. Data collected from this survey will be used to determine which caucuses will be reactivated for the upcoming year. Thank you for participating. SSCCC Fun FactsWelcome to the new SSCCC Connect section -- SSCCC Fun Fact. Each month, we will share a "fun fact" about the SSCCC that you may not know. We hope that you enjoy learning more about the SSCCC. August Fun Fact: A California community college student representative body has existed since the early 1960s. The first recognized body was the California Junior College Association, which changed to the Student Government Association in the late 1960s and existed until 1984. Watch for next month's Fun Fact to see how students were represented after the 1984s! UPCOMING EVENTSExecutive Committee and Board Meetings
All SSCCC Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings are available via teleconference. Events
Region and Caucus MeetingsCheck out all the SSCCC events including Regional Meetings, caucuses, and webinars on the SSCCC Calendar. Check out the calendar on the SSCCC website (link above) for the agendas and call information at least 72-hours prior to the meeting. |