Friend of Hobblebush,
The Nepal Chronicles will be available soon! Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? If not, time is running out! Visit our website to purchase it for $15 (regular $19.95) and get free shipping. This deal will only be around until Friday, June 20!
Everyone is invited to attend the book launch party for The Nepal Chronicles at Gibson's Bookstore in Concord, NH on July 10. Author Dan Szczesny will read from the book and show photographs from his honeymoon trek with his Nepalese bride to Everest Base Camp!
We updated our Audio Catalog so you can now read along while listening to our authors!
Coming to our next Sunday Granite State Authors Series event at LaBelle Winery on June 8? Learn more about the François Vase and the obsession that drove Julia Older to write her book, Tales of the François Vase, below.
The Frost Place Hosts Granite State Poets from Hobblebush Books
On Saturday, June 14 at 6 pm, Hobblebush poets will read in the Henry Holt Barn at The Frost Place, a nonprofit educational center for poetry and the arts based at Robert Frost’s old homestead. Readers will include:
Maudelle Driskell, Talismans
Patricia Fargnoli, Winter
James Fowler, Falling Ashes
Julia Older, Tales of the François Vase
Whether you're a regular at The Frost Place or you've never been, this is an excellent excuse to make the trip!
The François Vase
"There really is a François Vase, and anyone who visits Florence can see it in that city's Archeological Museum. The facts of its discovery and its several restorations are well documented—as are certain strange events of its history, such as the time it was smashed by an insane museum custodian just after the turn of the twentieth century . . . It is easy to understand what captured Julia Older's attention . . . Like the bands of figures [scenes from Homer's Iliad] on the Vase's gracefully tapering sides, the parade of people who own, encounter, destroy, and restore the François Vase come alive in Older's Tales—winding in a continuous coil through her fast-moving narrative."
—Kevin Gardner, from the Foreword to Tales of the François Vase
Julia Older will be reading and performing selections from the book at LaBelle Winery on June 8 as part of the Sunday Granite State Authors Series. Wine and cheese will be served during the reception. We hope to see you there!
Manuscript to Book
In an age when word processors can produce a formatted manuscript without (too much) trouble and online publishers can process it like cheese into an e-book or a print book with sophisticated software, one could be forgiven for believing that it is easy to make a professional book from an author's work. The truth is that a manuscript is hardly any closer to a finished book than back in the days when authors used manual typewriters. A manuscript is the raw lumber that can only get turned into a house by a group of professionals with special tools.
Watch for an article in an upcoming issue of this newsletter about how a manuscript gets turned into a book. In the meantime you might want to check out this entertaining tongue-in-cheek diagram.
—Sid Hall
Holly's New Friend
When Holly isn't in the office with us, she's outside with her brand new neighbor and friend, Padme. They love to tear around in the grass and to loaf in the sun. (They even have their own mini swimming pool for the dog-days of summer.)
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