16 Days of activism to end violence against women
The Church of Scotland has expressed a clear intention to address violence against women. The General Assembly has stated that violence against women is unacceptable in every circumstance. But what can we do within our own congregations and communities to challenge violence against women, to speak out and make a difference?
Read the article on violence against women on our website, and find out more on how you can speak out and make a difference through some of the campaigns we support.
The IF campaign
The IF campaign has now come to an end – it has delivered some fantastic policy outcomes that will make a real and lasting difference in the lives of poor people around the world. There are some useful materials to use when communicating to your supporters and colleagues about the achievements of IF and answering the ‘what’s next’ question.
Science and faith resources
Have you or your church made use of the resources which explore the issues around science and faith? We’d like to hear from you - particularly if you have used either the Test of Faith or
The God Question materials - please email SRT.
Time for Action
Kairos Britain has produced a booklet called Time for Action, which is a British response to the Kairos Palestine document called A Moment of Truth.
For further information visit the Kairos Britian website.
Action on Sectarianism
Youthlink Scotland are looking for local projects to tell their stories, so they can illustrate the range of people taking action to tackle sectarianism across Scotland. If you would like to be involved please get in touch with Sarah Paterson.
Church and Society roadshows
The Church and Society Council are committed to reaching every corner of Scotland with their programme of roadshows, in order to raise awareness of the work that they do and encourage local congregations and communities to ‘Speak out – make a difference’. If your presbytery hasn’t yet had a visit from the Church and Society team please get in touch if you would be interested in holding an event in your area.
Contact Fiona Buchanan for further information.
National Ethical Investment Week: 13 to 19 October
We’re looking for feedback from anyone who used the NEIW resources in their congregation- please email Karen Hunter if you would be willing to help.
Prisoners Week: 17 to 24 November
The theme for 2013 is Time to Change and the week will include a launch service at Dunblane Cathedral, and a screening of the film Mothers of Bedford in Bo'ness. Visit the Prisoners Week website for further event information.
Recruit with conviction workshops
The Scottish Government has commissioned Recruit With Conviction to organise employer consultation events throughout Scotland on reform of the legislation which could support ex-offenders into employment. Details of these events are available on the Recruit with Conviction webpage.
Edinburgh World Justice Festival: 12 to 26 October 2013
The Edinburgh World Justice Festival emerged from Make Poverty History in 2005, and it brings together people and organisations who share the common values of justice, peace, non-violence, human rights for all, and democracy. The 2013 EWJF programme is packed with talks, workshops and action that will keep the issues of world justice in the public eye.
Stories from Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories
On the 24th of each month Christian Aid, the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Church of Scotland will join together to present stories from people who have recently travelled to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories; ending the event with prayers for peace. Details of events can be found on the Christian Aid website.
More Poetry Less Poverty: a night with Kenneth Steven, Ayr
Christian Aid has gathered together an inspiring collection of poems from partner organisations, staff and published writers across Latin America, Africa and South East Asia. To highlight this publication an event will take place on Thursday 31 October - further information can be found on the Christian Aid website.