INI newsletter - April 2018 No Images? Click here INI NEWS BULLETIN Dear friends, associates and supporters of INI, You may notice that this edition of our news bulletin is landing rather late in the month. This doesn't represent a change in our schedule, so please rest assured that future releases will continue to be with you within the first week of each calendar month. Fortunately - and just in time for the arrival of some fabulous spring weather - we have some very exciting points to address, full details of which you will find below. Remember that you can keep up to date with all things INI-related via our Facebook page, Twitter feed and Instagram account. Please also keep a close eye on our "This Week's Seminars" page - where you will find a regularly updated schedule of all the talks delivered here, as well as live stream links too. Would you like to direct colleagues or associates to our newsletter sign-up page? Simply forward them this link: News bulletin contents: On Thursday 5 April 2018, INI hosted the UNQ programme's Rothschild Lecture, which was delivered by Caltech's Professor Andrew Stewart. This public-facing lecture focused on a specific 1960 paper by the late Rudolph Kalman and explained how the Hungarian-born mathematician's work would go on to revolutionise fields such as space-craft control, weather prediction, oceanography, oil recovery, medical imaging and artificial intelligence. Click the link below to watch the lecture in full. 2. EVENT: UK Fluids Network SIG meeting (29-30 August 2018) At the end of August INI will host a one-off meeting of the UK Fluids Network Special Interest Groups with a focus on the "Fluid Mechanics of Cleaning and Decontamination". Keynote speakers include Professor Paul Linden (Cambridge) and Professor Timothy Leighton (Southampton). The schedule for the event includes a formal dinner, and applications for attending and/or submitting abstracts are open until 18 May. More information regarding the group can be found via the following link. For registration, please click the button below. 3. AWARD: NPC programme pair scoop Isaac Newton Prize for Early Career Researchers In recognition of their work undertaken as part of the NPC programme, Nicolaus Heuer (above left) and Dominik Gruber (above right) have been awarded the Isaac Newton Prize for Early Career Researchers. The former for his preprint "Gaps in scl for amalgamated free products and RAAGS", and the latter for his preprint "Small cancellation theory over Burnside groups" (co-authored with R. Coulon). On receiving the award, Gruber said: "It is a great
honor for me to receive this prize. My co-author Rémi Coulon and I are very happy with this paper, and it is a great pleasure that this feeling is shared by an independent panel of experts. I am grateful to Rémi, to the programme organisers, and to the funding bodies that supported the work". The Isaac Newton Prize for Early Career Researchers is awarded for the best preprint (co-)written by an early career participant, either during a research programme held at INI on the topic of the programme or inspired by it. The selection and ranking are done through a careful refereeing process. The cash value of each prize is £500. Eligible to enter the competition for this prize are participants in a main research programme, who do not hold a permanent or a tenure track position. Participation in workshops only does not grant eligibility. The INI staff and NPC organisers would like to extend their congratulations to Nicolaus and Dominik on the award and wish them every success for the future. 4. REMINDER: LMS Women in Maths Days - 30 April / 1 May 2018 At the end of this month, INI will welcome the LMS Women in Mathematics Day, an annual event organised by the London Mathematical Society. This year it will take the form of a two day event taking place on Monday 30 April and Tuesday 1 May. This inclusive event is open to all mathematicians independent of gender and stage of career, with - we hope - the sessions on Implicit Bias, LMS Benchmarking and interview skills appealing to a broad audience from senior mathematicians to early career researchers. Please see our Twitter and Facebook feeds for updates nearer the time of the event. A report on the days' outcomes will follow in next month's bulletin. 5. PHOTOS: INI at the 2018 Cambridge Science Festival As previewed in previous bulletins, INI took part in the 2018 Cambridge Science Festival by hosting Dr Emily Grossman's talk "Lies, Damned Lies, and Newspapers: The use and abuse of statistics in the media". With tickets having sold out within an hour of going live, this was a keenly anticipated event. Despite the sudden and challenging conditions of a late March snowfall, Dr Grossman's talk was delivered to a near capacity crowd (including Cambridge statistician and fellow broadcaster Sir David Spiegelhalter) and raised a host of questions regarding the media's often lax attitude to factual accuracy when reporting science-based news. All at INI would like to thank Dr Grossman for her highly engaging, entertaining and unreservedly honest lecture. |