The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church
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Putting Connect, Grow, Serve, and Go into Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner! How do you spend your Christmas season? To me, December seems to be one long breath of anticipation, especially for the little ones. Here are a few ways that families and single individuals alike can put PMC’s theme or Connect, Grow, Serve, and Go into every day during this season. 


Watch the Sunrise: Let’s face it; we don’t get enough sunshine in the winter period and much less in Southwest Michigan. Check the weather beforehand and find a day when you’ll be able to watch the sunrise. You can watch the sunrise from the comfort of your porch. Warm up with some tea or cider while you watch the sky light up. After, have a short worship and sing some Christmas carols.

Feed the Birds: Make popcorn chains; cover them with peanut butter and bird feed. Hang them outside on your trees and bushes and watch God’s nature enjoy your gift to them.


Groups: Over this Christmas season think about how you, a PMC member, could potentially be involved in our amazing GROW Groups during this next year! Would you like to be a leader or simply a participant in our many different kinds of groups? 


Remember Others: Place a box or a bag under the Christmas tree for a family or an individual in need. Every day up until Christmas place a gift, card, or money in the bag. On Christmas make a special visit and share your presents!  


Volunteer: Spread the Christmas warmth with others this season. Why not take a day out volunteer at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter?

This Christmas season make some new traditions for you and your family for this year and the years to follow!

by Rebecca Coleman, Editor, Pioneer Connect


Christmas Eve Service 

A special program entitled “Light in the Darkness” will be held in the PMC Sanctuary on Thursday, December 24 at 6:30 pm. The evening will feature music and scripture celebrating our Savior’s birth.  Bring your family and celebrate the birth of our Savior!


Apocalyptic Peanuts

Some time ago Charles Schultz’s syndicated Peanuts cartoon went apocalyptic. Frame 1: Lucy to Charlie Brown, “I don’t worry about the world coming to an end anymore.” Frame 2: She continues, “The way I figure it, the world can’t come to an end today because it is already tomorrow in some other part of the world.” Frame 3: Lucy turns and asks Charlie Brown, “Isn’t that a comforting theory?” Final frame: Lucy smiling but Charlie Brown muttering, “I’ve never felt so comforted in all my life!”. . . read more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor


December at PMC

You are invited to join our church family for breakfast in church on Sabbath, December 19 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the PMC Commons. Bring your favorite baked good and the church will provide fruit salad, orange juice and Silk Milk and milk and hot drinks. Enjoy time visiting with your brothers and sisters! 

REMINDER: There will only be one service at 11:45 a.m. on Sabbaths, December 19 &  26.

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