Dear Valued Supplier,
Calvary has recently become aware of an individual or group masquerading as a Calvary employee and attempting to purchase goods, predominantly IT related equipment, from various vendors around Australia.
Suppliers are being contacted via the emails and by a ‘Matt Potter’ or ‘Roy Malone’ claiming to be the Director of Procurement for Calvary Adelaide Hospital. We have had multiple reports of these attempts in the past two weeks.
We request that you update your records and systems to flag these contacts as not being connected with Calvary.
Calvary is working with the police to stop this activity.
Should you receive any request for the supply of goods or services from these or similar email addresses you should treat them as suspicious.T
Thank you for remaining vilgilant and assisting us to stamp out fraudulent behaviour by forwarding these emails to immediately.
Kind regards,
Corey Bessi | Head of Procurement