Election of Board, Sport Committees and Coaching CommitteeIn accordance with the EWA Constitution, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Elections for members of the Equestrian Western Australia Incorporated Board & Committees will be held on Thursday 7th November 2019 Equestrian Western Australia Board NominationsDue to the annual rotation of Directors one position will be filled at the Annual Elections being held on November 2019. Following the retirement of an elected Director, one position will be filled for the remainder of the retiring director’s term.The positions are for the following term:
Completed Board Nomination Forms must be returned to the EWA Office by 5:00 pm Thursday 26th September 2019. Sport Committee Nomination and Coaching CommitteeEWA is currently accepting nominations for the following Committees: Dressage WA Committee
Eventing WA Committee Following the retirement of an elected Committee Member, one position will be filled for the remainder of the retiring member’s term.
Jumping WA Committee
Show Horse WA Committee
Coaching WA Committee
Completed Committee Nomination Forms must be returned to the EWA Office by 5:00 pm Thursday 26th September 2019. Voting eligibility To be eligible to vote for EWA Sport Committee you are required to have nominated the Sport Committee or Sport Committees at the time of membership renewal to you wish to vote for. To vote for Sport Committee Affiliate Members, you are required to be the representative of an Affiliated Member (Club). To be eligible to vote for the EWA Coaching Committee you are required to be a Competitor Senior, Participant Senior, Supporter, Official, Owner, Coach, and Adult Rider member of EWA. Election process