The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church

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Pastor's Blog 

Got It Wrong Again!

On April 29, 1865, 50,000 people stood in line to pass through the Ohio Statehouse rotunda to pay their last respects to the recently slain Abraham Lincoln. As America mourned the assassination of its President, Ohioans reflected the gratitude of this country in that outpouring of affection. Hanging overhead in the Statehouse was a banner with an excerpt from Lincoln’s second inaugural address: “With malice toward none, with charity for all.” more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor


Everything You Need To Know About Rest

Several key behaviors contribute to higher levels of health, wellness and fitness, including getting enough rest. Although this behavior is critical for survival and optimal functioning, we often do not give this topic nearly enough thought. Consider these five key questions and honestly respond to each one:   

How much sleep did you get last night?
How much sleep do you usually get?
How often do you take a vacation?
Do you allow yourself daily periods of peace of mind? If so, how?
Do you allow yourself to have at least one day of rest per week, where your body, mind and spirit can receive rejuvenation? 

Four specific components of rest should be considered to improve one’s wellbeing: sleep, vacation, daily restand weekly rest. Each of these elements plays an important role and can significantly impact our health, wellness and fitness more

by Dominique Wakefield, Director, University Health & Wellness


Feature Announcement

Soup for Students

It is that time once again to show love and support to our students during finals week. We are looking for committments for 25 pots of soup. If you are willing to participate, please complete this form before Monday, April 25. Drop off your pot of soup at the church on Tuesday between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Tuesday, April 26, 6:00 PM
Location: PMC Commons


Church Offering

This Sabbath, April 23, the church offering goes to the Michigan Advance Partners.

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