January 2018 A partnership of Doctors of BC and Ministry of Health ![]() ![]() What's NewNew SSC Co-ChairSSC welcomes Dr. Matt Chow as the SSC Co-Chair. See the article below to learn more about Dr. Chow. SSC would like to thank former SSC Co-Chair, Dr. Sean Virani for his years of service, particularly for overseeing the expansion of SSC activities to more regions in the province. We wish him well with his new responsibilities. New SSC Co-Chair ReportWe included a short readership survey in the last issue of the SSC Focus (September 2017) newsletter to determine if we are providing the information you want.The overall results showed our readers are happy with the current format and information, but would like more about the ‘Actions and Activities of SSC’. To provide this information, a new SSC Co-Chair Report has been developed to report on what SSC is working on and discussing during our six times a year committee meetings. A new report will be included in every SSC Focus - here’s a link the first issue.![]() Feature StoryIntroducing Dr. Matt Chow – new SSC Co-ChairDr. Matt Chow, our new Doctors of BC Co-Chair for the SSC operates under the belief that everyone has three unique stories: their past, now and what’s yet to be. As a trained psychiatrist, it is not surprising to find Matt’s practice is part of the ‘Three Story Clinic’, which clearly reflects this belief.![]() SSC Sponsored InitiativesBC physicians gather at annual IHI eventAs physicians, the nature of your business is quality improvement – whether it’s in a system, process or with patient care. Last December, a number of BC physicians were sponsored by SSC to attend the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) National Forum. The IHI Forum is the world’s premier health care conference with over 150 workshops and 400 presenters, all focused on quality improvement in the many dimensions of health care.Dr. James BrownDr. James Brown is an anesthesiologist who came to the specialty a little later in his career. Growing up in the UK Dr Brown notes, “the training structure is a little different in the UK from Canada – I had the opportunity to experience other specialties. I trained in emergency, internal medicine and cardiology before discovering anesthetics.”New online resourcesDr. Sandy Whitehouse led an SSC project to develop general and condition specific resources to support chronic care youth transition to adult care, as result the following resources are now available: Transitioning to Adult Care for Youth with Chronic Health Conditions and Disabilities is a free online accredited UBC-CPD course offering up to 1.0 CME credits for four 15-minute online modules and Condition-specific Transition Care Management Plans/Resources offers 24 cardiology and neurology specific care plans to assist with managing patient care. In addition, an SSC-funded online resource “Transitioning Patients from Community Pediatricians into Adult Care” helps pediatricians in the transfer of adolescent patients with complex needs into the adult health-care system. Included on the website are resources to support adult practitioners with information about Transition Tips, Fee Codes, the Special Access Program and more.
News from other Joint Collaborative Committees GPSC-GP Update About UsSSC is one of four joint collaborative committees that represent a partnership of Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health. Formed in 2006 under the Physician Master Agreement to help the Doctors of BC, BC government and health authorities collaborate on the delivery of specialist services and support improvement of the specialist care system in BC. Physician engagement is the cornerstone of SSC’s work. Sharing your knowledge is important - if you have stories to tell, information to share or feedback to give, please send us an email: sscbc@doctorsofbc.ca |