Summer 2016

Greetings from Emterra Group

As we stand on the cusp of summer and reflect on the past three months, it turns out to have been an interesting quarter, particularly for me personally. I was very lucky to be selected from among a group of Canadian entrepreneurs to participate in an intensive leadership development program called QuantumShiftTM created by KPMG Enterprise and the Ivey Business School in London, Ontario.

Designed to help Canadian business entrepreneurs who are past the start-up stage and ready to accelerate their businesses, the program focuses on how to attract and retain top employees, how to identify and overcome barriers to growth, how to use strategies for moving from a business plan to financial propositions and how to build a strong network of peers to share best practices.

For me, one of the most useful take-aways was to hear from other company leaders how they have successfully managed and nurtured family businesses that have moved past one generation and withstood the test of time and economic cycles.

It struck me that Emterra is one of the few family-owned and operated waste management companies remaining in Canada. I remember when family-owned waste management companies were the norm but mergers and acquisitions have changed the Canadian landscape. I believe the outcome for us is very positive. Emterra, with our personalized, family approach, combined with our “recycling first” priority and resource recovery expertise is uniquely positioned for meaningful growth.

What better time to look to a positive future than during our 40th anniversary year.

I wish you all – customers and staff alike – a sunny, happy and safe summer.

All the best,


Celebrating being one of the greenest employers in Canada.

2016 is a year of showing Canada just how environmentally conscious we are. Being named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers is a title we are proud to hold.


Emterra Environmental continues to work with the business community in Victoria

Emterra catches the attention of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce for our approach to helping municipal and commercial clients implement waste diversion and recycling solutions that aim to achieve Zero Waste goals.


Emterra Donated Nearly $300,000 to Community Environmental Health

Emterra Group has a long standing social responsibility commitment to be part of the solution when it comes to activities that help improve the environmental health and well-being of the communities where we live and work.


Supporting Community Events in Michigan

From local community events to agricultural awareness, Emterra proudly supports the Michigan community.


Emterra Group
1122 Pioneer Rd
Burlington ON L7M 1K4

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