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50th Anniversary Resources


for Reformation Sunday (or whenever it suits you)


Worship and Celebration Resources

Here is your kitbag of resources for your 50th anniversary worship service and celebration. May God bless you, your congregation and community as you thank him for past blessings and look forward to where he is safely leading us.


Worship Resources

Visit the Commission on Worship page for planning resources for your 50th anniversary service.

Sermon - LCA Bishop

LCA Bishop John Henderson's sermon for this occasion is available as:

Even if you do not use the sermon on the day, please let your congregation members know how to access it.

Message - LCA Bishop

If you're looking for an anniversary message rather than a full sermon, Bishop John has prepared one for your congregation. You can download it or simply view it on the LCA YouTube channel.

Pamphlet for Members

If you need something about the 50th anniversary to slip into pew bulletins next Sunday, you might like to print Bishop John's 'Heartland' column (The Lutheran, October). It has been produced as a print-ready A5 pamphlet to help your members understand where we've come from and where we're heading, on the 50th birthday of the LCA. Download it here.


God bless your celebration
of this milestone for the LCA.

LCA website link

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We know you have a keen interest in the mission and ministry of the LCA/NZ, so we're sure you'll want to know about this exciting initiative. If you are a General Convention delegate, you'll want to know how 50.500 (which you helped to launch) is unfolding throughout this synodical term, so you can share the information with the people you represent. (As with all official LCA eNews, pastors and lay workers in active service are required to remain subscribed to this list.)