No images? Click here 30 July 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)Preparing for and managing a COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria and New South Wales As the COVID-19 pandemic continues in Victoria and New South Wales, this is a reminder of the guidance available to assist you to prepare for, respond to, and manage an outbreak involving the people with disability you support and/or your workers. Key points
Prepare for, respond to, and manage a COVID-19 outbreakOur fact sheet, COVID-19 outbreak preparedness, prevention and management, contains practical guidance to support you to:
The fact sheet is for all registered providers of NDIS supports and services, including those providing in home supports, as well as disability accommodation settings. The situation in Victoria is driven by high rates of community transmission. It is important that providers consider how they deploy their staff in a manner that would reduce the risk of infection both to NDIS participants and other workers. This could include limiting the NDIS participants that a worker supports, or assigning workers to particular outlets and no others. Government announcements about PPE The Minister for the NDIS, Stuart Robert, has announced temporary changes to funding arrangements to allow NDIS participants, workers and providers in Victoria and New South Wales to claim the cost of PPE, including masks. From 29 July 2020, these temporary measures allow:
Guidance on using PPE Our fact sheet, Information for providers on the use of personal protective equipment, contains information about when PPE should be used, and how to access it. Further, we remind you to watch and share with your workers the Australian Government Department of Health’s video, Coronavirus (COVID-19): Wearing personal protective equipment for disability workers. The video demonstrates how to put on and remove PPE correctly, and reminds workers to consider the effect that wearing PPE will have on the person with disability you support. As you should when there is any change to their supports and services, take the time to explain to the person and their family why you are using PPE, and reassure them it is safe for them to see you. Get current advice from your state’s public health unit
Infection prevention and control training If any member of your workforce has not already completed the 30-minute free online training module, Infection prevention and control for COVID-19, please encourage them to do this. Developed by the Australian Government Department of Health, the module explains how COVID-19 is spread, how to protect yourself and the people you support, and what to do if symptoms develop. If you have any technical questions about the training portal, email General reminder about testing and self-isolation If you, your workers or the people you support experience even the mildest symptoms, arrange to get a COVID-19 test immediately. After the test, self-isolate at home until you receive the test result. Avoiding contact with other people from the time of symptom onset until you receive the test result is critical to helping limit the spread. Find information on getting a COVID-19 test in Victoria and in New South Wales. Further information, alerts and resources The Coronavirus (COVID-19) information webpage on the NDIS Commission website contains links to updates, training, alerts and other resources. We also have a COVID-19 webpage containing information for people with disability, and a webpage of frequently asked questions about COVID-19 for all stakeholders. Contact Us
Links to previous COVID-19 provider alerts
General Enquiries1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) Our contact centre is open 9am to 4.30pm in the NT To provide feedback, contact the NDIS Commission by emailing |