Ahoy Sequoia Yacht Club,
What a great evening and packed house for our 75th Anniversary Celebration. It was a great time with friends old and new to remember and highlight this clubs history and its accomplishments.
When we first contemplated throwing a 75th anniversary party for the Sequoia Yacht Club, we were thinking ‘crab feed’—something low key. But once we took a look at the annals of the 50th anniversary celebration, we realized we needed to kick this up a notch—because you, members of SYC, deserve a great celebration. With all your help, we think we hit that mark! And, what a fun mark it was to meet.
Not certain of the full body count last night with 100 people for a formal sit-down catered dinner (thank you Brian Morriss of Cheat-A-Little Caterers), plus the folks from the cruise-in from Bay View Boat Club, and add in the infectious camaraderie of the racing crowd gathered around for an after-race beer and Jenny Thompson’s BBQ ribs, the five-piece band, DeJazzVu, and the Sea Scouts, well . . . It was a feat of joining all ranks and enjoying all ranks. We can’t thank you all enough for making the evening such a roaring success!!
Again, we want to thank the many volunteers who gave of their time, their talent, their brawn and their support, especially:
(If by chance we have omitted your name, we apologize)
Vice Commodore, Dan Lockwood, Past Commodore, Petra Gilmore, Robin Weber, Nancy McHugh, Joanne Wright, Kristin Butler, Deidre Sparks, Carol Petersen, Sue Lockwood, Lynn Morris, Oya Curtis, Deb Blackmore, Sheila Jones, Mike and Terri Marzano, Sea Scouts and Mariners. Steve Higgs, and Kathy Harris
Carole and Winston Bumpus