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The Lutheran eNews


Welcome to The Lutheran eNews! ... all 521 of you who are our most faithful and hard-working supporters. You are either the group collector for your congregation and/or were your congregation's rep for our B10K campaign in 2010 and 2011. In either case, you do a wonderful job, and we couldn't keep The Lutheran alive and thriving without you.

So, a huge THANKYOU! - first and foremost.

We hope you don't mind us contacting you via this first eNews list. If you do mind, you can unsubscribe by using the 'Unsubscribe from this list'' link at the top of this message. However, we warmly invite you to stay connected, so that we can keep you in touch with The Lutheran and its developments.

There is loads to tell you, but I won't do that all in this one breath. I'll use this eNews to tell you only about the mega-edition of The Lutheran, which is out now, and also something about
The Lutheran App, since a number of you have been getting questions about it.


It took an age to build it, but we hope you love the end result as much as we do. It's our once-in-three-years mega-edition: 80 pages in full colour, covering all the events, reports and resolutions of General Convention.

It should be in your mailboxes by now. If not, it will be arriving very soon.

As well as the usual copies for subscribers, this mega-edition has been posted in bulk to congregations. The idea is that you distribute them to every household that doesn't subscribe to The Lutheran. To calculate the number your congregation needed, we used this equation: 'Number of Publications Requested' (which your congregation has registered in LAMP) minus the number of The Lutheran subscribers on your congregation's group list. I know that this calculation doesn't always work out perfectly, so please let me know if:

(a) you have too many copies (we don't want any wasted, as they are pretty expensive to print);

(b) you don't have enough copies.

It will take a bit of tango-ing, but if we help each other, we'll end up with every Lutheran household (whether they are subscribers or not) getting hold of this great commemorative edition.

As our primary promoters and supporters of The Lutheran, please use this opportunity to invite people to subscribe. This is really important. There are still a lot of people who don't know that The Lutheran is a monthly publication, and there are people who have been 'meaning to subscribe but keep forgetting'. So please use this mega-edition and its invitation from me to subscribe as a bit of a nudge for people like that.

We lose hundreds of subscriptions every year, as a result of people getting older (or dying) or moving address and not letting us know ... so we need to all work hard to gain at least that many new subscribers each year.

Thanks for the hard work you are doing to achieve this.

For people wanting to subscribe for the first time (or renew an existing subscription), you can direct them to The Lutheran website, where they can subscribe online, or they can call LCA Subscriptions on 08 8360 7270.


Don't forget to visit The Lutheran website regularly, for a sneak preview of the latest edition (click on the cover image or on the link at the top of the home page) - or to download the promotional resources we put there for you each month.

A recent addition is the YouTube movie, featuring acting editor Rosie Schefe. It woudl be great if you could use this clip on a monthly basis to promote The Lutheran in your congregation and community. You can go and have a look at this right now if you like. See Rosie.

While you're there, check out the PowerPoint slide and pew-bulletin inserts.

Let me know if you have any problem accessing or using these resources, or if there's anything else that might be useful to you - and I'll do my best to help.

PLEASE NOTE: For those of you who have been receiving monthly promos via email from Janise, this practice has been discontinued. You will instead receive an eNews notice from me each month to let you know that the promos are available on the website.


I'll provide you with ongoing updates about the App through future eNews posts. But for now it's probably easiest to simply direct you to the brochure and the FAQ on The Lutheran website.

Your congregation has received a bundle of brochures about the App, so please make sure they are distributed and that this exciting development - our own App - is promoted strongly. Let me know if you need more brochures, as there are plenty still available.

From the June edition, people will need to start paying for downloads ($3.99 per edition). We want to make sure we get strong support so that we can continue this wonderful production ... and this great opportunity to take the gospel of Jesus Christ into a vast new audience.

Contact me if you have any questions about the App or anything else that will help you to promote The Lutheran.


A huge THANKYOU for all that you do for us. Don't hestitate to contact me if there's anything you need to know, or to let me know how I can make your job easier.

Linda Macqueen: linda.macqueen@lca.org.au, 08 8339 5178

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W: www.lca.org.au