Feature Announcement
We Say Good-bye to
Two Pastors
In the ebb and flow of life and pastoring, we at Pioneer will soon say "Good-bye and Godspeed" to two of our beloved pastors, Sharon Terrell and Sabine Vatel. One is retiring and the other is plunging into a new professional challenge as a hospital chaplain. And both will be dearly missed here at Pioneer by the congregation and pastoral colleagues alike. Their spiritual and professional giftedness has blessed us all. And so with a sigh of regret (and a standing ovation of appreciation) our church board, last Monday evening expressed its gratitude for the contribution both pastors have made to Pioneer and Andrews.
After more than 14
years as the Financial Administration/Stewardship Pastor at Pioneer, and with a total of 40+ years of service and ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Pastor Sharon Terrell will be retiring in August. Over the last four decades, she recalls the privilege she's had of working with wonderful people at two academies—Cedar Lake and Wisconsin; four conferences—Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan; and one university here at Andrews. Pastor Sharon reflects, "It has been a wonderful journey and I am excited to see what God has in store for my retirement years." After retiring, she and husband Richard plan to remain in our community for the foreseeable future.
Pastor Sabine Vatel, for over three years now, has served as the Discipleship/GROW
Groups Pastor at Pioneer. In accepting the invitation to healthcare chaplaincy through Adventist Health System and the Florida Conference of SDA, she combines her education (DMin, RN, CPE [clinical pastoral education]) with her ministry experience here at Pioneer and previously at Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist church for this new avenue of ministry. Her experience in both hospital and church work will open new avenues to equip and disciple leaders as she extends the healing ministry of Jesus to patients, staff, and families within the Adventist Health System, along with the wider community. Pastor Sabine shares, "My time at Pioneer with an outstanding pastoral team and supportive membership been a time of inspiration, growth, and friendship. While I definitely look forward to this new God adventure, I'll miss the connections and ministry I've had the privilege of being a
part of."
We are planning to express our gratitude, appreciation, and love for both pastors on Sabbath morning, June 2. Watch here for further details about their farewell. In the meantime, we surround Sharon and Sabine with love and prayers, as they begin the transition to their next-chapters with Jesus.
—Dwight K. Nelson