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South Bay Opening Day - May 18th

South Bay Opening Day is just around the corner and we have much to celebrate and look forward to this season!

Festivities begin on Friday evening with a dinner at the San Leandro Yacht Club.  Saturday morning features a breakfast at Sequoia, on the water shenanigans, including the blessing of the fleet and decorated boat parade, and followed by a bbq lunch with live music by Point of Order. We need lots of volunteers to help with the bar and the lunch, so if you can help please use the online signup form or contact Theresa Howard.

Peninsula Yacht Club (Redwood City) is hosting a dinner Saturday night and the South Bay Yacht Club (Alviso) is hosting Sunday morning the annual gin-fizz brunch and pose for the historic annual opening day club picture.

I hope my fellow members will consider attending the events hosted by the other Opening Day sponsor clubs. Our support is important if we want to maintain a vibrant boating community in the South Bay!

I would also hope our members will think about inviting a friend or a neighbor or a work colleague to celebrate the day – either by enjoying our club or on their boats for the parade.  Sequoia Yacht Club has so much to offer individuals of all ages and young families and South Bay Opening Day is just the perfect day to bring somebody by our club.

We have further information and registration details at www.southbayopeningday.org

Dan Lockwood - Rear Commodore

General Meeting and Sumptous DID this Friday

Come on down to the Club this Friday night, May 10th, for a great time with fellow SYC members and their guests. Don't miss the first and second readings of all of our new perspective members.

Cocktails - 18:00
Dinner - 18:30
General Meeting - 19:30

Lina is preparing a "Simply Sumptuous Supper"

Lina's Mum's Pot Roast
Gravy (to die for)
Non Gluten available (Roast and Gravy)

Salad withwonderful sides (artichoke, tomatoes, pears, olives)
Homemade Blue Cheese dressing available

Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream

All for just $13.50 per person.

Summer Series #2 Saturday, May 11

Just a reminder, the Sequoia Yacht Club 2013 Summer Series continues this Saturday, May 11 with Race #2.

This is a five-race series with one throw-out race. The start line for the Summer Series is at 3 - 4 and the start time is 12:30. All skippers should attend the skipper's meeting at 10:30 on the day of the race. Non-Sequoia members, unless you signed up & paid for the entire year, you should get your entry forms and fees to the club before the first race. For those boats coming down from CPYC, you can call me at 650-576-3990 after 10:45 for race instructions and then check-in at the start area. Plan on racing rain or shine.

If you haven't yet filled out a Skipper's Entry Form for 2013, please download it and fill it out before the race. Members of the crew are also required to fill out a 2013 Crew Registration Form. If you or your crew completed these forms for the Winter Series new forms are not required. There are blank forms at the Club if you aren't able to download copies before Saturday.

Come on out for some of the best sailing of the year. I'll look for you at the start line.

Richard Butts
Large Sailboat Fleet Captain
Sequoia Yacht Club

Junior Sailing Spring Sessions goodbye....

Spring 2013 Junior Sailing Classes have ended.   It was a great time for all.  Sad to see the classes end, but we move on to Summer Sail Days

Kudos go to many.

Joanne Wright, for getting the enrollment process streamlined, and getting everyone registered. 

Fred Gillam, for fixing facilities, boats, and generally helping out.

Paul Morgan-Witts, the laser guru, fixing, rigging, keeping things in order where Fred leaves off.

Kirsten Gillam and Natasha Morgain-Witts, sailing instruction, safety boat assistance, helping the beginners become skilled sailors. Their help is greatly appreciated.

Dan Humphries, sailing instructor extraordinaire.   Beginner and Intermediate classes, and generally taking care of facilities.

There are many who help out and participate to make the JSP experience fun, and safe. It's a great time for all, and with each passing of classes we continue to learn and improve to get those young sailors started and give them an environment to build their skills.

Peter McCormick - Junior Sailing Director

Summer Sail Days are Here!

Please check the calendar "Events" for days. The times for Summer Sail Days are as follows:

  • Weekdays : 6:00pm - 8:00pm (usually Thursdays)
  • Weekends : 10:00am - 1:00pm (usually Saturdays)

Hope to see you there. El Toro's, Lasers, and fun for all.

Peter McCormick

Online Membership Directory Updated

Thanks to the efforts of Sheila Jones, the online membership directory has been updated. The membership directory is made available online for the convenience of our membership.  For privacy purposes, the membership directory is password protected.

The Senior Directory lists only the Seniors and the Officer & Committee page. The Membership Directory has everything listed that is in the Printed copy. (i.e. Constitution & Bylaws, etc.)

Per our House Rules paragraph 14.2: " No Club stationery, e-mail nor membership lists shall be used other than for official business of the Club or regarding club activities without prior approval of the Board of Directors."

The password will change on an annual basis. The online directory will be updated throughout the year to reflect the most current information.


  • How do I update my contact information. Send a note to the office at office@sequoiayc.org
  • What's the password? The password has been emailed to you. If you haven't received it, please make sure you are on the club mailing list and we have your most current email address. Logon to the Sequoia website and send a message to Sheila Jones.


We are pleased to introduce a new classified ad section of “The Weekly Blast.”  Please give our supporters your first consideration.  Note that most listings will have the ability to click through for further information.

For our supporters/advertisers – Larry Mayne is in the process of reaching out to everyone who paid for advertising space in 2012.   Once we have your consent and approval for inclusion in “The Weekly Blast” together with any necessary updates to your business details, your listing will be included in future editions for the next four months at no additional charge to you.  Terms and approach for advertising after September 2013 will be determined based on feedback from this initial trial period. 

If you have feedback on this advertising section or would like to have your business listing included in future editions of “The Weekly Blast” please contact Larry Mayne at lrmayne@aol.com