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Equestrian WA

June 13, 2018

Joint Statement

The purpose of this statement is to inform our membership of the current actions taken by the undersigned State and Territory Branches in relation to Equestrian Australia (EA).

The maintenance of a strong, safe and sustainable sport for the benefit of our members is our highest priority.

What are the State Branches doing?
The majority of the State Branches have called for a Special General Meeting to amend the constitution to remove the current restriction on directors of state branches sitting on the EA Board.

This decision was not taken lightly and is intended as an interim step only to deliver the reform that is necessary to ensure our sport meets the diverse needs of our members now and into the future.

Why are the State Branches doing this?
Our action follows a series of unsatisfactory performance and/or inaction by EA including:

  • Failure by EA to adequately respond to State Branches’ repeated requests for full disclosure of financial information, combined with attempts to unilaterally increase fees beyond CPI.
  • Failure by EA to fulfil its responsibility under section 39 of the constitution to update the MOU with the state branches.
  • Failure by EA to fulfil its responsibility under section 29 of the constitution to hold a strategic forum at least every two years.
  • The recent and sudden unilateral decision by EA to cease the operation of the ICDF after the State Branches asked for transparency about the sources of revenue and expenditure.
  • The failure by EA to undertake adequate due diligence in appointing three directors who were not members of the organisation.
  • EA’s refusal to meet with the State Branches following a written request to hold a strategic planning day with an independent facilitator.

We acknowledge that the holding of dual roles as state and national directors is not ideal governance. However, we do not anticipate nor desire that it will be necessary for this to be anything other than an interim arrangement to guide the reform of the sport.

While there has been recent promotion of one model for operating EA, namely the discipline led model as occurs in NSW and Tasmania, there are several options for future operating models

Any final model will need to accommodate the national interests and be applicable across all States and Territories. This requires a full and inclusive consultation process with all our membership which will occur in consultation with the membership and key stakeholders, including the Australian Sports Commission, something we are committed to undertake before implementing any change.

Ultimately our goal is to act in the best interests of our members for the long-term benefit of our sport.


David Finch, Chair Equestrian Queensland
Ron Fleming, Chair Equestrian Western Australia
Mitch Fox, Chair Equestrian Victoria
Joe Hooper, Chair Equestrian South Australia
Tim Williams, Chair Equestrian Tasmania
Anne-Marie Cruickshank, Chair Equestrian Northern Territory

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Jumping Western Australia Para-Equestrian Western Australia Reining Western Australia Show Horse Western Australia Vaulting Western Australia

Equestrian Western Australia's postal address is:
303 Cathedral Ave, BRIGADOON WA 6069
Tel: +61 8 9296 1200
Fax: +61 8 9296 1194

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