Thirty judges of various levels from around the world came together to attend the IDOC FEI Judges Seminar at the Hartpury Festival of Dressage, Gloucestershire in the UK. The conveners were Isobel Wessels (UK) and Susie Hoevenaars(Australia)
Lisa Baker, Kim Thomas , Gill Botten, Elaine Greene and Pollyann Huntington attended from WA so the State was well represented.
After registration on the first day it was straight into a morning of theory. The new FEI handbook and the Code of Points was discussed and then the conveners gave advice on judging generally which included the discussion of comments and how to “deliver the news to the rider in a positive way.” It was great to hear the advice of two such experienced judges as Isobel and Susie and be able to have
stimulating discussion throughout the morning.
The afternoon found us all in a tent situated at “”A” at the end of the arena for the Grand Prix . The weather was glorious although some of the riders found it quite hot! The competition had been moved from 1pm to 3pm due to the heat. All judges had headphones and initially Susie and Isobel gave commentary. Then it was over to us and we all had to judge whilst our colleagues and the two conveners listened on the headphones. Always an intimidating but worthwhile experience, it was good to get feedback whilst reviewing so many elegant and well-trained combinations. Everyone enjoyed a great dinner at Hartpury University that night.
Saturday morning was spent back in the classroom reviewing the videos of the day before and it was a valuable experience to be able to again look at riders such as Carl Hester, Charlotte DuJardin and Richard Davidson to name but a few.. Again we had to judge, this time in teams. Jane Ventura gave a presentation on Rules which was most informative.
Back in the tent on Saturday afternoon, judging the Inter 1 .The evening continued with observing the PSG Young Horse class in the Indoor arena. Finally we could all relax and watch the great treat of the GP freestyle with Charlotte DuJardin doing a spectacular job with Mount St John Freestyle to win with
After the late night it was great to have a leisurely start on Sunday morning. (after some retail therapy for all of course!) First was the Grand Prix Special which is a long and very difficult test but spectacular to watch when carried out by riders of this calibre. We finished the three days with the Inter 1 Freestyle, having to put forward our marks for Artistic Impression and Degree of Difficulty.
On Monday most of the judges opted to go on a tour of Carl Hester’s establishment which was such a memorable experience. Charlotte rode a five year old and the great Valegro. Carl talked of their philosophy of buying and training horses. We were greeted by a collection of friendly dogs of various breeds and as we were departing they were all disappearing into the hills for a hack with Charlotte and a stable employee.The whole atmosphere was one of happy horses and professionalism. Whatever the recipe-it is certainly working as watching them ride one wonders just how they do it in such a quiet and effective way.
I think everyone came away feeling inspired and very upbeat about the progress of dressage as a sport worldwide. Many of the participants meet at these seminars every two years so there are always friendships renewed and new ones made as well of the wealth of knowledge to be absorbed.
Gill Botten

Entries have now opened! The event hosts the state titles for preliminary to grand prix plus adult rider, young rider, junior and a regional teams competition. With more than $22 000 of prize money and prizes there is something for everyone. Schedule and online entries and event schedule online.


DWA Dressage Development Series Event 22 – 25 August with FEI 5* Judge Maria Schwennesen!
Practice event for State Championships – perfect your tests in training - Saturday 24th August.
Featuring Training tests all levels
Official Para Equestrian & FEI
Plus mini-seminars, demonstrations and lunch with Maria for riders of all levels.
Limited places available for Young Horse/Pony programme Thursday 22nd
& Medium - GP intensive Friday 23rd
Full day programme - super value – don’t miss out!
Maria is friendly, supportive and approachable and you will benefit greatly from her experience & expertise.
Entries now open on Nominate
