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LCA enews - keeping us connected


The right people are out there. Please help us to find them.

The General Church Council, acting on a Synodical resolution to trial a new national structure, has resolved to form a Board for Local Mission. This is a new board of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand which will integrate local mission efforts and be supported by a number of mission area-specific committees.

The Office of the Bishop, on behalf of the General Church Council, is inviting nominations from people who may be interested in serving on this Board, which will meet three times per year. Costs associated with travel to Board meetings is covered by the LCA.

We are looking for a wide range of skills and experience, including people with: understanding of ministry with the ageing; understanding of ministry utilising media; understanding of ministry with new and renewing churches; understanding of ministry with children, youth and families; ability in strategic planning; ability in organisational management; and ability in finance.

We believe that God has blessed our Church with many talented people who have the ability to make an effective contribution to the life and work of the LCA. Yours might be the finger that taps a brother or sister on the shoulder: 'There's a great opportunity to serve the church; we thought it might suit you'.

If you are interested in serving on this Board please contact LCA Executive Officer - Local Mission, Tania Nelson: tania.nelson@lca.org.au

Nominations for the Board will close on Friday 9 December 2016.

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E: admin@lca.org.au
W: www.lca.org.au