No images? Click here 23 October 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)Preparedness and response plan for Tasmanian providers The Tasmanian Government has released a preparedness and response plan for disability providers. Key points
Tasmanian COVID-19 Disability Service Providers Preparedness and Response PlanThe Department of Communities Tasmania has developed the Tasmanian COVID-19 Disability Service Providers Preparedness and Response Plan (the Plan), which is available on the Disability and Community Services webpage. The Plan aims to support you to prepare for, and manage the impacts of COVID-19 on the people you support, your workforce and your business. It contains guidance, as well as links to key information sources and further materials. It will be updated regularly, so it is best to access it online, as printed copies may become outdated. The NDIS Commission and the Department of Communities Tasmania are continuing to work closely on support and scenario planning, and will keep you informed as this work progresses. Further information, alerts and resources The Coronavirus (COVID-19) information webpage on the NDIS Commission website contains links to updates, training, alerts and other resources. We also have a COVID-19 webpage containing information for people with disability, and a webpage of frequently asked questions about COVID-19 for all stakeholders. Contact Us
Links to previous COVID-19 provider alerts Visit the NDIS Commission website to see our previous COVID-19 provider alerts. General Enquiries1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) Our contact centre is open 9am to 4.30pm in the NT To provide feedback, contact the NDIS Commission by emailing |