50.500 faith.freedom.future

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Website up and flying!

You've heard about 50.500 faith.freedom.future. but you're not sure what it's all about. Right? We're not going to explain it all here; that's what our brand-new website is for. We're sure you'll find something of interest there right away, but remember that this website is going to continue to grow (a lot!) over the next months and years. We hope to see your 50.500 contribution on the website soon too.
Visit the new website

What's on!

Until General Convention 2018, 50.500 will be the hub for events, competitions and resources that will help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of the LCA (2016), commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (2017), and look forward with hope and confidence to where God is leading us. Here's a taste of what's happening already and what's coming up.
View all events

'Have a Go' Fund

You can see it, but you can’t get there on your own. Would $25,000 help you reach your local mission goal?
Congregations, schools and ministry groups; you now have an incentive to dust off those shelved plans for local mission.

Research Competition

Here's a brilliant way to document the history of your congregation, plus engage your young people in its life and mission. This Lutheran Archives competition comes with cash prizes to give your young people extra incentive to get involved.  

Your Most Humble Servant - Book Launch

This book reflects on the contribution of the LCAQD's presidents and bishops. It will be launched at  Queensland District Convention on Saturday 4 June at 12.30 pm.

Longest Lutheran Lunch

What would a Lutheran year in Australia or New Zealand be without a Longest Lutheran Lunch offering a warm ‘You’re Welcome!’ to our friends and neighbours? In a relatively short space of time, it’s becoming… a tradition.


Get Involved!

Are you planning an anniversary celebration?
An event to commemorate the Reformation?


Other News

50.500 Video
View and share the video clip that launched 50.500 at General Convention.
View the video

Chatham Island Trip, New Zealand
Be the first to greet the 500th anniversary year of the Reformation!
Read more

LCA website link

Why are you receiving this email?
We know you have a keen interest in the mission and ministry of the LCA/NZ, so we're sure you'll want to know about this exciting initiative. If you are a General Convention delegate, you'll want to know how 50.500 (which you helped to launch) is unfolding throughout this synodical term, so you can share the information with the people you represent. (As with all official LCA e-communications, pastors and lay workers in active service are required to remain subscribed to this list.)