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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

General Pastors Conference was held 7-9 July 2015 at St Michael’s Church and School, Hahndorf, South Australia, in order to fulfil its duties to give guidance and to serve as a theological adviser to General Synod in matters of doctrine and confession [LCA By-Laws V.F 1. (a) and 2.]. The business of the meeting was to consider the proposals referred to it by the General Church Council at its meeting of 5-6 June 2015 in preparation for the forthcoming General Convention of Synod to be held 29 September – 4 October 2015.

The major agenda item before General Pastors Conference was Women and the Call to the Office of the Public Ministry, in particular the sixteen congregational proposals relating to this issue.

Yesterday I forwarded to LCA pastors and General Convention delegates the advice of General Pastors Conference on this matter, together with three congregational proposals. Your pastor or Convention delegate will be able to provide more information. If your congregation does not have a pastor or Convention delegate, you can find the documents on the General Convention website Business page.

Rev Neville Otto
Secretary of the Church

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