No images? Click here 11 September 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)Guidance for providers on Victoria’s roadmap for reopening The Victorian Government’s roadmap for reopening includes some important steps that NDIS providers should take in the delivery of supports and services to people with disability. Key points
Victorian roadmapThe Victorian Government has released a roadmap for reopening after the COVID-19 lockdown. There is a roadmap for metropolitan Melbourne, and one for regional Victoria, but the important dates for all Victorians are:
Familiarise yourself with the roadmap for the area in which you deliver supports and services to NDIS participants, and ensure your workers and the people you support are aware of the changes that apply to them. If the people you support need help to understand what these changes mean for them, you must use their preferred method of communication to do this. It is critical that you reflect these new arrangements in the supports you provide to people with disability. So start planning now to adjust your supports and services to reflect these changing restrictions. You should consult and communicate with the people you support about any changes to the supports or services you provide, and assist them to take advantage of these changes if needed. Below are some of the changes you should put into practice with the people you support, depending on the NDIS supports and services you deliver. Metropolitan Melbourne See the full roadmap for metropolitan Melbourne (PDF, 183KB). STEP 1: From 11.59pm 13 September 2020
Ways to put these changes into practice:
STEP 2: 28 September 2020 (if case numbers are low enough) In addition to the Step 1 changes:
Ways to put these changes into practice:
Regional Victoria See the full roadmap for regional Victoria (PDF, 161KB). STEP 1: from 11.59pm 13 September 2020 Steps 1 and 2 outlined above for metropolitan Melbourne apply in regional Victoria from 11.59pm on 13 September 2020. Your obligations As it has always been, our focus is on supporting you to continue to provide the safe and quality supports NDIS participants rely on. We therefore remind you of your obligations under the NDIS Code of Conduct, NDIS Practice Standards and conditions of registration that relate to the delivery of safe, quality supports and services, and the management of risks associated with the supports you provide to NDIS participants. Notifying the NDIS Commission You do not need to submit a notification form to advise us when you recommence services in line with the easing of Victoria’s COVID-19 health directions However, you must continue to notify us of any event that significantly affects your ability to comply with any of your conditions of registration. If it is related to COVID-19 (such as a worker or participant’s confirmed COVID-19 infection), use the Notification of event – COVID-19 (registered provider) form. If the event is not related to COVID-19, use the NDIS Commission Portal to notify us. Managing the safe recommencement of services and supports As Victoria’s COVID-19 restrictions are gradually lifted, we expect you to continue to follow sound business continuity planning principles. These include:
Obligations for behaviour support and restrictive practices Refer to our fact sheet to assist you to understand behaviour support and restrictive practices due to COVID-19. It includes ways to allow the people you support to exercise choice and control over decisions that affect them, practical guidance for supporting NDIS participants with behaviour support needs, and requirements when using regulated restrictive practices. Letter for Victorian NDIS participants With the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), we have jointly issued an open letter to all Victorian participants, their families and carers. The letter explains what to expect from their providers, how they can protect themselves and others, and where they can complain if they are unhappy with the safety or quality of their supports and services. Further information, alerts and resources The Coronavirus (COVID-19) information webpage on the NDIS Commission website contains links to updates, training, alerts and other resources. We also have a COVID-19 webpage containing information for people with disability, and a webpage of frequently asked questions about COVID-19 for all stakeholders. Contact Us
Links to previous COVID-19 provider alerts Visit the NDIS Commission website to see our previous COVID-19 provider alerts. General Enquiries1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) Our contact centre is open 9am to 4.30pm in the NT To provide feedback, contact the NDIS Commission by emailing |