Equestrian Western Australia is pleased to inform that on the 15 September 2020, at a Special General Meeting of Equestrian Australia (EA), the State Branches decided to accept the proposed amendments to the Equestrian Australia (EA) Constitution.
In conclusion, the Administrators' Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) has been satisfied, and EA will not be put into liquidation.
Equestrian Western Australia looks forward to working with the interim EA Board in advancing to the next stage of EA's Governance Reform. The Administrators have confirmed the interim board will be in place within 45 days.
Equestrian WA has been fortunate to be granted $300,000 from the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries and Lotterywest, for the COVID-19 Resilience Funding. A sum of $220,000 will go towards the support of operations of the Equestrian WA and the State Equestrian Centre. In addition to that, a total of $80,000 will be allocated to the sports committees based on the percentage of sports levies collected in 2019 as follows:
Jumping (26.77%) $21,416
Eventing (51.33%) $41,064
Dressage (18.1%) $14,800
Show Horse (3.8%) $4,500
A proposal outlining the planned grant expenditure will need to be submitted and approved by the EWA board prior to the distribution of funds which will be allocated before the 31st July 2021 for submission of the grant acquittal report to the government on the 27th August 2021.
Scholarship applications are now open for the 2021 WAIS Individual Athlete Program.
Applications close at 5pm WST on 16 October 2020.
Please note that current WAIS scholarship holders must re-apply if they wish to renew their WAIS scholarship.
Thank you for your support of the WAIS Individual Athlete Program and please contact Carolyn Morrison, Performance Services Program Manager for any enquiries.