DERAD project: prevention of the escalation of radicalization in the prison environment

CEP is associative parnter of the DERAD project. DERAD is an European project that aims to prevent the escalation of radicalization in the prison environment and help prisoners and probationers who are often exposed to Jihadist recruitment or self-radicalization to overcome the different problems and push factors usually exploited by recruiters. The project is led by the Italian Ministry of Justice. In a brief interview, Mr. Enrico Sbriglia, Regional Superintendent of Penitentiary Administration for Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige e Friuli Venezia Giulia, gives us insights in the project.


Successful 3rd European LIAISE2 seminar

On 29 March 2017 the LIASE 2 Project organised its 3rd European Seminar. Entiteld : The prevention of radicalisation in the context of probation and prison: Challenges and opportunities for the partnership between local authorities and judicial actors. The seminar was co-organised by the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus), Confederation of European Probation (CEP) and the City of The Hague.


Council of Europe Handbook for Prison and Probation Services regarding Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

In March, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe approved the text of the handbook, which was prepared by the PC-CP Working Group.

The handbook is an accompaniment to the earlier (high level) 'guidelines' document, approved by the CoE last year.  The handbook will also be made available in more accessible format in due course.

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide specific directions and suggested recommendations to achieve good practices in the risk assessment, management and re-integration of radicalised offenders.

The text is available at this link.

Mothers against radicalisation: a successful local approach

With the project Oumnia Works, the Dutch municipality of The Hague aims on mothers as a weapon against radicalization.   Mothers often feel that their children radicalized. They have a ‘gut feeling’, but usually do not come into action. If their child is traveling to Syria or is arrested for a crime with terrorist intent, they are left with the cry of despair ‘if only I had … “. Support Centre Sabr, a women’s organization in the Dutch city of The Hague answers to this need by launching the ‘Oumnia works’ program where mothers learn what they can do to prevent a radicalization process in their child’s mind.


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